

c# Programming Glossary: strparams

URL mapping with C# HttpListener


methodName ctx.Request.Url.Segments 1 .Replace string strParams ctx.Request.Url .Segments .Skip 2 .Select s s.Replace.. method.GetParameters .Select p i Convert.ChangeType strParams i p.ParameterType .ToArray object ret method.Invoke this @params.. methodName ctx.Request.Url.Segments 1 .Replace string strParams ctx.Request.Url .Segments .Skip 2 .Select s s.Replace..

Open a pdf file programmatically at a named destination


in PDF file. string strFilePath MyFilePath.pdf string strParams n A pagemode bookmarks nameddest strNamedDestination strFilePath.. strNamedDestination strFilePath Process.Start AcroRd32.exe strParams Note the n inside the params. It makes Adobe to always open..

When to use try/catch blocks?


pProc new Process pProc.StartInfo.FileName pgp.exe string strParams @ encrypt _fullSourcePathAndFilename recipient infinata output.. .PGP UtilityLogger.LogToFile Encrypting file. Params strParams pProc.StartInfo.Arguments strParams pProc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute.. file. Params strParams pProc.StartInfo.Arguments strParams pProc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute false pProc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput..