

c# Programming Glossary: system.uri

Get file name from URI string in C#


share improve this question You can just make a System.Uri object and use IsFile to verify it's a file then Uri.LocalPath..

HttpClient request throws IOException


bytes System.dll System.Net.HttpWebRequest.HttpWebRequest System.Uri uri System.Net.ServicePoint servicePoint 0xdf bytes System.dll.. bytes System.dll System.Net.HttpWebRequest.HttpWebRequest System.Uri uri bool returnResponseOnFailureStatusCode string connectionGroupName.. System.Net.Http.dll System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync System.Uri requestUri System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption completionOption..

How to create a Uri instance parsed with GenericUriParserOptions.DontCompressPath


GenericUriParserOptions.DontCompressPath When the .NET System.Uri class parses strings it performs some normalization on the input..

Regex pattern for checking if a string starts with a certain substring?


Silverlight - How to navigate from a User Control to a normal page?


'System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationService.Navigate System.Uri ' Thank you Well I solved passing the normal Page as an argument..

Get url without querystring


it c# asp.net share improve this question You can use System.Uri Uri url new Uri http www.example.com mypage.aspx myvalue1 hello..

Play two sounds simultaneusly


var p1 new System.Windows.Media.MediaPlayer p1.Open new System.Uri @ C windows media tada.wav p1.Play this sleep is here just so.. var p2 new System.Windows.Media.MediaPlayer p2.Open new System.Uri @ C windows media tada.wav p2.Play EDIT I received a downvote.. var c new System.Windows.Media.MediaPlayer c.Open new System.Uri @ C windows media tada.wav c.Play .Start System.Threading.Thread.Sleep..

Path.Combine absolute with relative path strings


.NET application cannot start and receive XamlParseException


System.Exception System.Xaml.IXamlLineInfo System.Uri ˜â System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.Load System.Xaml.XamlReader.. Boolean System.Object System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriterSettings System.Uri ˜â System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.LoadBaml System.Xaml.XamlReader.. System.Object System.Xaml.Permissions.XamlAccessLevel System.Uri ˜â System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.LoadBaml System.IO.Stream..

Get the Assembly path C#


this question You can do this using string file new System.Uri Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly .CodeBase .AbsolutePath share..