

c# Programming Glossary: task.factory.startnew

UnobservedTaskException being throw but it is handled by a TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException handler and a continuations OnlyOnFaulted handler [duplicate]


tco CancellationToken cancellationToken Task tsk null tsk Task.Factory.StartNew action cancellationToken tco TaskScheduler.Default tsk.RaiseUnobsrvEvtForEachIfHappens..

WinForm Application UI Hangs during Long-Running Operation


YourMethod Or in .NET 4.0 you can use the TaskFactory Task.Factory.StartNew YourMethod You could use a BackgroundWorker for more control..

Why we need Thread.MemoryBarrier()?


static void ThreadInverteOrdemComandos Foo obj new Foo Task.Factory.StartNew obj.A Task.Factory.StartNew obj.B Thread.Sleep 10 This need.. Foo obj new Foo Task.Factory.StartNew obj.A Task.Factory.StartNew obj.B Thread.Sleep 10 This need seems crazy to me. How can I..

Is it considered acceptable to not call Dispose() on a TPL Task object?


way. The common pattern I have seen recommended is Task.Factory.StartNew DoSomething However the StartNew method returns a Task object..

WaitAll for multiple handles on a STA thread is not supported


en us library system.threading.tasks.task.aspx var task1 Task.Factory.StartNew DoSomeWork var task2 Task.Factory.StartNew DoSomeWork var task3.. var task1 Task.Factory.StartNew DoSomeWork var task2 Task.Factory.StartNew DoSomeWork var task3 Task.Factory.StartNew DoSomeWork Task.WaitAll.. var task2 Task.Factory.StartNew DoSomeWork var task3 Task.Factory.StartNew DoSomeWork Task.WaitAll task1 task2 task3 share improve this..

How do I abort/cancel TPL Tasks?


new CancellationTokenSource CancellationToken ct ts.Token Task.Factory.StartNew while true do some heavy work here Thread.Sleep 100 if..

Is there a Task based replacement for System.Threading.Timer?


while true if cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested break Task.Factory.StartNew wrapperAction cancelToken attachedToParent TaskScheduler.Current.. break Thread.Sleep intervalInMilliseconds return Task.Factory.StartNew mainAction cancelToken c# .net 4.0 timer timeout task parallel.. wrapperAction periodicTaskCreationOptions return Task.Factory.StartNew mainAction cancelToken TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning TaskScheduler.Current..

Correct way to delay the start of a Task


var token _cancelationTokenSource.Token Task.Factory.StartNew token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested Thread.Sleep 100 token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested..

Parallel.ForEach vs Task.Factory.StartNew


vs Task.Factory.StartNew What is the difference between the below code snippets Won't.. items item DoSomething item vs foreach var item in items Task.Factory.StartNew DoSomething item c# c# 4.0 task parallel library parallel.. This can be duplicated using Parallel.ForEach by doing Task.Factory.StartNew Parallel.ForEach Item items item DoSomething item By doing this..

How to create a task (TPL) running a STA thread?


same using Tasks in a WPF application Here is some code Task.Factory.StartNew return some Text .ContinueWith r AddControlsToGrid r.Result.. scheduler TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext Task.Factory.StartNew ... .ContinueWith r AddControlsToGrid r.Result scheduler share..

Memory barrier generators


to execute on another thread including QueueUserWorkItem Task.Factory.StartNew Thread.Start compiler supplied BeginInvoke methods etc. Using..