

c# Programming Glossary: tcs.task

Retry a task multiple times based on user input in case of an exception in task


delay tcs else tcs.SetResult _original.Result return tcs.Task The StartNewDelayed function comes from the ParallelExtensionsExtras.. tcs.SetResult response.KeyChar 'y' return tcs.Task private static Task T RetryAsk T Func T func int retryCount.. 1 tcs else tcs.SetResult _original.Result return tcs.Task With all the continuations you can see why an async version..

General purpose FromEvent method


object obj.OnCompletion tcs.SetResult null return tcs.Task This then allows await FromEvent new MyClass The problem is.. eventInfo.AddEventHandler obj dEmitted return tcs.Task What IL could I possibly emit that would allow me to set the.. dEmitted eventInfo.AddEventHandler obj dEmitted return tcs.Task This code will work for almost all events that return void..

How to put a task to sleep (or delay) in C# 4.0?


Perform screen-scape of Webbrowser control in thread


ApartmentState.STA thread.Start return tcs.Task private static Bitmap TakeSnapshot WebBrowser browser browser.Width..

Correct way to delay the start of a Task


tcs.TrySetCanceled timer.Change dueTimeMs 1 return tcs.Task private static Task GetPreCanceledTask var source new TaskCompletionSource..