

c# Programming Glossary: visualtreehelper.getchild

How can I programmatically scroll a WPF listview?


a ScrollViewer if o is ScrollViewer return o for int i 0 i VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount o i var child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild o i var result.. int i 0 i VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount o i var child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild o i var result GetScrollViewer child if result null continue..

How to autoscroll on WPF datagrid


this question if mainDataGrid.Items.Count 0 var border VisualTreeHelper.GetChild mainDataGrid 0 as Decorator if border null var scroll border.Child..

Accessing the ScrollViewer of a ListBox from C#


ScrollViewer ScrollViewer get Border border Border VisualTreeHelper.GetChild this 0 return ScrollViewer VisualTreeHelper.GetChild border..

wpf force to build visual tree


obj where TChildItem DependencyObject for int i 0 i VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount obj i var child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild obj i if.. i 0 i VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount obj i var child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild obj i if child null child is TChildItem return TChildItem child..

How to fill up datagrid with empty rows


Visual child null for int i 0 count VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount @this i count i child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild @this.. VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount @this i count i child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild @this i as Visual if predicate child return child child child.FindDescendant..

How to Draw line/s between Two DataGridView Controls


where T DependencyObject var f new List T for int i 0 i VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount element i var child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild element.. i VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount element i var child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild element i if child is T f.Add T child f.AddRange FindDescendent..

How do I access a control inside a XAML DataTemplate?


DependencyObject control string ctrlName int childNumber VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount control for int i 0 i childNumber i DependencyObject.. for int i 0 i childNumber i DependencyObject child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild control i FrameworkElement fe child as FrameworkElement Not.. parent var _List new List Control for int i 0 i VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount parent i var _Child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild parent..

How to set background of a datagrid cell during autogeneratingcolumn event depending on it's value?


parent where T Visual T child default T int numVisuals VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount parent for int i 0 i numVisuals i var v Visual VisualTreeHelper.GetChild.. parent for int i 0 i numVisuals i var v Visual VisualTreeHelper.GetChild parent i child v as T GetVisualChild T v if child null break..

WPF Datagrid: Programmatically editing a cell


parent where T Visual T child default T int numVisuals VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount parent for int i 0 i numVisuals i Visual v Visual VisualTreeHelper.GetChild.. parent for int i 0 i numVisuals i Visual v Visual VisualTreeHelper.GetChild parent i child v as T if child null child GetVisualChild..

Long List Selector Observable Collection and Visual Tree - problems?


controlList where T DependencyObject int numberOfChildreen VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount parent for int i 0 i numberOfChildreen i var child.. parent for int i 0 i numberOfChildreen i var child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild parent i if child is T controlList.Add T child else SearchForControls..

WPF Toolkit DataGrid SelectionChanged Getting Cell Value


parent where T Visual T child default T int numVisuals VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount parent for int i 0 i numVisuals i Visual v Visual VisualTreeHelper.GetChild.. parent for int i 0 i numVisuals i Visual v Visual VisualTreeHelper.GetChild parent i child v as T if child null child GetVisualChild T v..

How to access a specific item in a Listbox with DataTemplate?


is T return obj as T Check for children int childrenCount VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount obj if childrenCount 1 return null First check all the.. for int i 0 i childrenCount i DependencyObject child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild obj i if child is T return child as T Then check the childrens.. i childrenCount i DependencyObject child FindDescendant T VisualTreeHelper.GetChild obj i if child null child is T return child as T return null..

In WPF, how do I adjust the scroll increment for a FlowDocumentReader with ViewingMode set to Scroll?


a ScrollViewer if o is ScrollViewer return o for int i 0 i VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount o i var child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild o i var result.. int i 0 i VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount o i var child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild o i var result GetScrollViewer child if result null continue..

Printing BlockUIContainer to XpsDocument/FixedDocument


int indentLevel if parent null return int childCount VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount parent string typeName parent.GetType .Name string objName.. childCount childIndex WriteVisualTreeRecursive writer VisualTreeHelper.GetChild parent childIndex indentLevel 1 public static string WriteLogicalTree..

Find all controls in WPF Window by type


where T DependencyObject if depObj null for int i 0 i VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount depObj i DependencyObject child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild.. depObj i DependencyObject child VisualTreeHelper.GetChild depObj i if child null child is T yield return T child foreach..