

c# Programming Glossary: y0

How to intersect two polygons?


Input 2 polygons A and B in 2D given as a list of edges x0 y0 x1 y2 ... each. The points are represented by pairs of double..

How to find control points for a BezierSegment given Start, End, and 2 Intersection Pts in C# - AKA Cubic Bezier 4-point Interpolation


return Math.Pow t 3 static void bez4pts1 double x0 double y0 double x4 double y4 double x5 double y5 double x3 double y3.. y2 find chord lengths double c1 Math.Sqrt x4 x0 x4 x0 y4 y0 y4 y0 double c2 Math.Sqrt x5 x4 x5 x4 y5 y4 y5 y4 double c3.. chord lengths double c1 Math.Sqrt x4 x0 x4 x0 y4 y0 y4 y0 double c2 Math.Sqrt x5 x4 x5 x4 y5 y4 y5 y4 double c3 Math.Sqrt..

C# Point in polygon


making up the path. Given a line segment between P0 x0 y0 and P1 x1 y1 another point P x y has the following relationship.. the following relationship to the line segment. Compute y y0 x1 x0 x x0 y1 y0 if it is less than 0 then P is to the right.. to the line segment. Compute y y0 x1 x0 x x0 y1 y0 if it is less than 0 then P is to the right of the line segment..