

c++ Programming Glossary: bgr

What is a good, optimized C/C++ algorithm for converting a 24-bit bitmap to 16-bit with dithering?


did generate the results above. It takes 24 bit pixels in BGR order as used by Windows and produces R5G6B5 16 bit pixels in..

How to convert QImage to opencv Mat


then you will need to convert each pixel to openCV's BGR layout. The cv cvtcolor function can convert ARGB to RGB in..

Save bitmap to video (libavcodec ffmpeg)


fooContext sws_getContext c width c height PIX_FMT_BGR32 c width c height PIX_FMT_YUV420P SWS_FAST_BILINEAR NULL NULL.. but assuming it is correct and you have a pointer to the BGR 32 bit pixel data try something like this uint8_t inbuffer int.. out_height here make sure inbuffer points to the input BGR32 data and the input and output dimensions are set correctly...

Using Mat::at(i,j) in opencv for a 2-D Mat object


of pixel values uchar in data type. So with split Img_mat BGR the Img_mat is split into 3 planes of blue green and red which.. green and red which are collectively stored in a vector BGR . So BGR 0 is the first blue plane with uchar data type pixels...hence.. and red which are collectively stored in a vector BGR . So BGR 0 is the first blue plane with uchar data type pixels...hence..

Reading a video with openCV


read a frame from YUV file in OpenCV Converting YUV into BGR or RGB in OpenCV Edit I must clear something first OpenCV is..

OpenCV get pixel information from Mat image


j Vec3b bgrPixel foo.at Vec3b i j do something with BGR values... Here is the documentation for Vec3b. Hope that helps.. helps Also don't forget OpenCV stores things internally as BGR not RGB. EDIT For performance reasons you may want to use direct..

Converting YUV into BGR or RGB in OpenCV


YUV into BGR or RGB in OpenCV I have a TV capture card that has a feed coming.. results were with the OpenCV cvCvtColor scr dst CV_YUV2BGR function call. I am currently unaware of the YUV format and..

Audio output with video processing with opencv


it assumes you are working with an OpenCV image packed as BGR 24bits and 2 audio and video are not being sync Yes I left have.. video mode exiting n exit 1 Assuming IplImage packed as BGR 24bits SDL_Surface surface SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom void img..

Accessing certain pixel RGB value in openCV


cv Vec3b y x gives you the RGB it might be ordered as BGR vector of type cv Vec3b image.at cv Vec3b y x 0 newval 0 image.at..

Converting data from glReadPixels() to OpenCV::Mat


to keep in mind that OpenCV usually stores color values in BGR order so you need to use GL_BGR A which were added with OpenGL.. stores color values in BGR order so you need to use GL_BGR A which were added with OpenGL 1.2 instead of GL_RGB A . For.. the cv Mat would be glReadPixels 0 0 img.cols img.rows GL_BGR GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE img.data Finally OpenCV stores images from..

Decode audio and video and process both streams — ffmpeg, sdl, opencv


video mode exiting n exit 1 Assuming IplImage packed as BGR 24bits SDL_Surface surface SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom void img..

How to display a cv::Mat in a Windows Form application?


Also remember that OpenCV natively stores color in BGR format. So you may need to swap the red and blue channels to..