

c++ Programming Glossary: circumstances

C++ Using Class Method as a Function Pointer Type


Why should exceptions be used conservatively?


necessarily disagree that they should be saved for special circumstances but I'm wondering what the consensus rationale is if such a..

When is overloading pass by reference (l-value and r-value) preferred to pass-by-value?


Foo f Foo f2 std move f swap f2 return this In what circumstances is the ref to const and r value overload preferable to pass..

Is it good practice to NULL a pointer after deleting it?


it is pointless and can hide errors. There are plenty of circumstances where it wouldn't help. But in my experience it can't hurt...

C++ standard: dereferencing NULL pointer to get a reference?


or is this well defined in the standard Under different circumstances a dereferencing of a NULL pointer should result in a crash but..

C++ Timer function to provide time in nano seconds


is some controversy on the efficacy of QPC under certain circumstances as stated in http msdn.microsoft.com en us library windows desktop..

STL Rope - when and where to use


Rope when and where to use I was wondering under what circumstances you would use a rope over another STL container c stl rope..

do…while vs while [duplicate]


Could it be that I just haven't run into the correct circumstances What are some examples where it would be necessary to use a..

Why is std::function not equality comparable?


may be used in equality comparisons and in other circumstances struct S operator bool return false int main S a b bool are_equal..

Visual Studio 2010's strange “warning LNK4042”


files as I believe windows won't let you under any crazy circumstances have two files with the same names in the same directory . Please..

Function signature-like expressions as C++ template arguments


come up much during routine programming is that in most circumstances you can't declare variables of this type. For example this code..

Should objects delete themselves in C++?


that might be added to the world under many different circumstances but typically by another object already in the world. Fire is..

Is C# really slower than say C++?


reasons that it is slower at some things under some circumstances. I'll consider three basic areas of differences language features..

difference between a macro and a const in c++


the same thing each is sometimes appropriate for the circumstances and your answer only scratches at the surface of the difference...

Object destruction in C++


by value such as T operator const T const T . Under normal circumstances the temporary object is destructed when the full expression..

If temporaries are implicitly non-modifiable, how does this work?


That is not correct. Temporaries are created among other circumstances by evaluating rvalues and there are both non const rvalues and..

Calculating size of an array


are not always identical. Arrays will under a great many circumstances decay to a pointer to the first element of that array. There..

With explicitly deleted member functions in C++11, is it still worthwhile to inherit from a noncopyable base class?


made me add the for some silly reason I don't remeber the circumstances . I know better know. c c 11 noncopyable share improve this..

Under what circumstances is it advantageous to give an implementation of a pure virtual function?


what circumstances is it advantageous to give an implementation of a pure virtual..

What is the closest thing windows has to fork()?


always be inefficient under Win32. Fortunately in most circumstances the spawn family of calls provided by Cygwin can be substituted..