

c++ Programming Glossary: cmywindow

How to get the Windows Power State Message (WM_POWERBROADCAST) when not running a Win32 GUI app?


using namespace std static const char g_AppName Test class CMyWindow HWND _hWnd int _width int _height public CMyWindow const int.. class CMyWindow HWND _hWnd int _width int _height public CMyWindow const int width const int height _hWnd NULL _width width _height.. _hWnd NULL _width width _height height _beginthread CMyWindow thread_entry 0 this ~CMyWindow void SendMessage _hWnd WM_CLOSE..

What is an efficient way to wrap HWNDs in objects in C++?


CoInitialize NULL return S_OK CMyApp g_app class CMyWindow public CWindowImpl CMyWindow public CMyWindow ~CMyWindow BEGIN_MSG_MAP.. S_OK CMyApp g_app class CMyWindow public CWindowImpl CMyWindow public CMyWindow ~CMyWindow BEGIN_MSG_MAP CMyWindow MESSAGE_HANDLER.. g_app class CMyWindow public CWindowImpl CMyWindow public CMyWindow ~CMyWindow BEGIN_MSG_MAP CMyWindow MESSAGE_HANDLER WM_PAINT..