

c++ Programming Glossary: cp_acp

How to set file encoding format to UTF8 in C++


getline inputFile line 1 DWORD dwCount MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP 0 line.c_str 1 NULL 0 wchar_t pwcharText pwcharText new wchar_t.. pwcharText new wchar_t dwCount 2 MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP 0 line.c_str 1 pwcharText dwCount 3 dwCount WideCharToMultiByte..

How to convert std::string to LPCWSTR in C++ (Unicode)


int len int slength int s.length 1 len MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP 0 s.c_str slength 0 0 wchar_t buf new wchar_t len MultiByteToWideChar.. 0 0 wchar_t buf new wchar_t len MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP 0 s.c_str slength buf len std wstring r buf delete buf return..

How do I write a std::codecvt facet?


go from UTF 16 to the systems current code page windows so CP_ACP and to the system's OEM codepage windows so CP_OEM . Cross platform..

Calling C++ function from JavaScript script running in a web browser control


winEx if winEx NULL return int lenW MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP MB_PRECOMPOSED name.c_str 1 NULL 0 BSTR objName SysAllocStringLen.. BSTR objName SysAllocStringLen 0 lenW MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP MB_PRECOMPOSED name.c_str 1 objName lenW DISPID dispid HRESULT..

How to return text from Native (C++) code


NULL int lenA lstrlenA input int lenW MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP 0 input lenA NULL 0 if lenW 0 result SysAllocStringLen 0 lenW.. 0 result SysAllocStringLen 0 lenW MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP 0 input lenA result lenW return result That's the hardest one..

How do I convert from LPCTSTR to std::string?


have to use a codepage for a single byte encoding such as CP_ACP . Update WideCharToMultiByte example Be aware that accurately..

BSTR to std::string (std::wstring) and vice versa


const wchar_t pstr long wslen int len WideCharToMultiByte CP_ACP 0 pstr wslen NULL 0 NULL NULL std string dblstr len ' 0' len.. NULL std string dblstr len ' 0' len WideCharToMultiByte CP_ACP 0 no flags pstr wslen not necessary NULL terminated dblstr.. const std string str int wslen MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP 0 no flags str.data str.length NULL 0 BSTR wsdata SysAllocStringLen..

Need to load video in CStatic control


str.GetBuffer str.GetLength int nLen MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP 0 lpStr 1 NULL NULL MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP 0 lpStr 1 lpszW.. CP_ACP 0 lpStr 1 NULL NULL MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP 0 lpStr 1 lpszW nLen hr m_pGraph openFile lpszW 0 if SUCCEEDED..

How to change the CP_ACP(0) of windows ANSI apis in an application?


to change the CP_ACP 0 of windows ANSI apis in an application I try to draw text.. WideChar functions so I want an approach to change the CP_ACP in my application so that I can input string data into ANSI.. unicode utf 8 codepages share improve this question CP_ACP represents the system Ansi codepage. You cannot change that..