

c++ Programming Glossary: example2

Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video


cvReleaseImage temp cvDestroyWindow name cvNamedWindow Example2 CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvMoveWindow Example2 150 150 while 1 frame2.. cvNamedWindow Example2 CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvMoveWindow Example2 150 150 while 1 frame2 cvQueryFrame capture draw_box frame2.. capture draw_box frame2 box if frame2 break cvShowImage Example2 frame2 char c cvWaitKey 33 if c 27 break cvReleaseCapture capture..

Playing AVI files in OpenCV


how to debug it. int main int argc char argv cvNamedWindow Example2 CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE CvCapture capture cvCreateFileCapture argv.. 1 frame cvQueryFrame capture if frame break cvShowImage Example2 frame char c cvWaitKey 33 if c 27 break cvReleaseCapture capture.. 33 if c 27 break cvReleaseCapture capture cvDestroyWindow Example2 c opencv share improve this question Well since your code..

Defining class string constants in C++?


const char const str const char const Test str mystr Example2 class Test private static const std string str const std string..

When should I use C++ pointers over Smart Pointers?


const Object po good if po po Print else log_error Example2 Object createObject bad return new Object some_smart_ptr Object..

pointer comparisons ??gt;??with one before the first element of an array object


int array 10 int ptr for ptr array 9 ptr array 1 ptr ... example2 int array 10 int ptr for ptr array 9 ptr array ptr ... 1 Are.. for ptr array 9 ptr array ptr ... 1 Are both example1 and example2 forbidden 2 Is there proof from the C standard that comparing..

Is the size of a struct required to be an exact multiple of the alignment of that struct?


Here is an example of why I never expected this... struct example2 example m_Example char m_Why_Cant_This_Be_At_Offset_6_Bytes..

Convert VARIANT to…?


be Ideally pure C Visual basic equivalent Public example1 example2 As SIMUL8.S8SimObject Dim numberOfexamples As Variant Dim resultString.. As Variant Set example1 MySimul8.SimObject Example 1 Set example2 MySimul8.SimObject Example 2 numberOfexamples example1.CountContents.. Example 2 numberOfexamples example1.CountContents example2.CountContents resultString CStr numberOfexamples c windows..