

c++ Programming Glossary: existent

Clang, std::shared_ptr and std::less/operator<


Is there a production ready lock-free queue or hash implementation in C++


is no production ready library and amazingly none of the existent libraries complies to the API of STL containers. c stl lock..

How does a C++ reference look, memory-wise?


What is happening here It looks like j is simply non existent in runtime. And what about a reference I receive as a function..

What is the equivalent of CPython string concatenation, in C++? [duplicate]


x 'wowwow' how can i do that in C With add which is non existent corrected to __add__ a standard method this is a deep and interesting..

Is returning a reference ever a good idea?


RVO NRVO and move semantics it is either negligible or non existent. So I've been trying to imagine under which situations returning..

C++11 “Non-movable” type [duplicate]


does still declare it and does not make it completely non existent. Rather it's similar but not identical to declaring it empty..

CUDA streams destruction and CudaDeviceReset


you have a valid context but are now trying to destroy non existent streams. As a final comment question How hard would it have..

Visual Studio: Run C++ project Post-Build Event even if project is up-to-date


is not found or is out of date. Simply specify some non existent file there and the custom build step will always run. It will..

How to convert between local and universal time using boost::date_time?


I do it specifically on Linux As an aside how are non existent time points handled during the conversion For example if a day..

Boost Asio serial_port - need help with io


The documementation is sparse and the examples are non existent. Can't figure out exactly how to communicate with the device...

How to estimate the thread context switching overhead?


of thinking too much about a problem that may be non existent. Other than that you might try like 1800 suggested with performance..

What's the equivalent of Windows' QueryPerformanceCounter on OSX?


it's Posix Will fall back to worse counters if HPET is not existent. shouldn't be a problem though http en.wikipedia.org wiki High_Precision_Event_Timer..

Does WPF Work with C++?


Framework. That being said the designer support is non existent with C . This means that for practical purposes WPF doesn't..

How do I use arrays in C++?


exclusive C allows the computation of a pointer to the non existent n th element but it is illegal to dereference that pointer ..

Performance of built-in types : char vs short vs int vs. float vs. double


be fast if someone bothers to think about them and non existent otherwise. Further reading Agner Fog maintains a nice website..

Undefined reference to static const int


CRTP: Compiler dependent issue with Expression Template


so the function is returning a dangling reference to a non existent object. This operator will have to return by value instead and..