

c++ Programming Glossary: fgets

convert a char* to std::string


I need to use std string to store data retrieved by fgets . To do this I need to convert fgets char output into an std.. data retrieved by fgets . To do this I need to convert fgets char output into an std string to store in an array. How can.. std string to store in an array. How can this be done c fgets stdstring share improve this question std string has a constructor..

Inheriting std::istream or equivalent


word2 icppstream word1 icppstream word2 char buf 1024 fgets buf 1024 icstream std cout Got word1 ' ' word2 ' ' buf ' n'..

Simple string parsing with C++


3.0 I would write something like char line SOME_SIZE while fgets line SOME_SIZE file int x y z if 3 sscanf line foo d d d x y..

How to validate input using scanf


more unformatted than user input. I would suggest using fgets to get a line in followed by sscanf on the string to actually..

xutility file?


FILE f fopen filename rt if f char buf 1000 1 while fgets buf 1000 f int len int strlen buf while len 0 isspace buf..

How to execute a command and get output of command within C++?


ERROR char buffer 128 std string result while feof pipe if fgets buffer 128 pipe NULL result buffer pclose pipe return result..

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


fopen proc self status r int result 1 char line 128 while fgets line 128 file NULL if strncmp line VmSize 7 0 result parseLine.. fopen proc self status r int result 1 char line 128 while fgets line 128 file NULL if strncmp line VmRSS 6 0 result parseLine.. file fopen proc cpuinfo r numProcessors 0 while fgets line 128 file NULL if strncmp line processor 9 0 numProcessors..

ifstream object.eof() not working


OK I made the last one up . The same is true in C with fgets feof et al . Basically these flags will only be set AFTER you..

Fastest way to find the number of lines in a text (C++)


It was not that fast in my case. I used both ifstream and fgets . They were both slow . Is there a hacky way to do this which..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


the statement cin.sync_with_stdio false or just use fgets instead. C code #include iostream #include time.h using namespace.. of buffer overflow. So I wrote this iteration using fgets the safer alternative to gets. Here are the pertinent lines.. char input_line MAX_LINE char result snip while result fgets input_line MAX_LINE stdin NULL line_count if ferror stdin perror..