

c++ Programming Glossary: hinstance

Why simple console app runs but dialog based does not run in WIN CE 6.0?


code #include stdafx.h #include stdio.h int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow.. #include stdio.h int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow FILE pFile char..

How to append text to a TextBox?


UINT uMsg WPARAM wParam LPARAM lParam int CALLBACK WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR cmdLine int nCmdShow.. LPARAM lParam int CALLBACK WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR cmdLine int nCmdShow HWND hMainWindow WNDCLASS..

C++ Dll Injection


#include windows.h #include stdio.h BOOL APIENTRY DllMain HINSTANCE hInst Library instance handle. DWORD reason Reason this function..

Create an Application without a Window


do to achieve all this is #include Windows.h int WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int cmdShow.. this is #include Windows.h int WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int cmdShow do your stuff here...

Loading a dll from a dll?


as entrypoint for the dll BOOL WINAPI CRTDllMain __in HINSTANCE hinstDLL __in DWORD fdwReason __in LPVOID lpvReserved BOOL ret..

Redirecting cout to a console in windows


fputc c stdout EOF traits_type eof c int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow.. traits_type eof c int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow create the console.. fputc c stdout EOF traits_type eof c int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow..

EXE or DLL Image base address


. It returns a HMODULE but that is the same as HINSTANCE and the base address . If you want to know what base address..

Calling functions in a DLL from C++


function #include .. export export.h int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow.. export export.h int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow call the imported..

Get DLL path at runtime


.... WCHAR DllPath MAX_PATH 0 GetModuleFileNameW HINSTANCE __ImageBase DllPath _countof DllPath share improve this answer..

Dynamically load a function from a DLL


complaints #include windows.h #include iostream int main HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL LoadLibrary C Documents and Settings User Desktop.. int and taking no arguments. typedef int f_funci int main HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL LoadLibrary C Documents and Settings User Desktop..

How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++?


.. return Real_Recv s buf len flags BOOL WINAPI DllMain HINSTANCE DWORD dwReason LPVOID switch dwReason case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH..

embedded resource in c++


code to get the resource HRSRC hResInfo FindResource hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE resourceId type HGLOBAL hRes LoadResource hInstance.. MAKEINTRESOURCE resourceId type HGLOBAL hRes LoadResource hInstance hResInfo LPVOID memRes LockResource hRes DWORD sizeRes SizeofResource.. memRes LockResource hRes DWORD sizeRes SizeofResource hInstance hResInfo Here you have to change resourceId and type . For example..

Why simple console app runs but dialog based does not run in WIN CE 6.0?


stdafx.h #include stdio.h int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow FILE..

How to append text to a TextBox?


WPARAM wParam LPARAM lParam int CALLBACK WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR cmdLine int nCmdShow HWND hMainWindow.. WindowProc wc.lpszClassName Main's window class wc.hInstance hInstance RegisterClass wc hMainWindow CreateWindow wc.lpszClassName.. wc.lpszClassName Main's window class wc.hInstance hInstance RegisterClass wc hMainWindow CreateWindow wc.lpszClassName Append..

What is exactly the base pointer and stack pointer? To what do they point?


var_C dword ptr 0Ch var_8 dword ptr 8 var_4 dword ptr 4 hInstance dword ptr 8 hPrevInstance dword ptr 0Ch lpCmdLine dword ptr.. thus taking 4 bytes each. So I can see there is a gap from hInstance to var_4 of 4 bytes. What are they I assume it is the return.. 4 savedFramePointer dword ptr 0 return address dword ptr 4 hInstance dword ptr 8h PrevInstance dword ptr 0C hlpCmdLine dword ptr..

Create an Application without a Window


all this is #include Windows.h int WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int cmdShow do your..

Redirecting cout to a console in windows


EOF traits_type eof c int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow create.. EOF traits_type eof c int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow create..

Creating a transparent window in C++ Win32


szTitle WS_POPUP 0 height 2 20 40 102 NULL NULL hInstance 0 For the call to RegisterClassEx I have this set for the background..

Detecting USB Insertion / Removal Events in Windows using C++


WndProc function which will handle messages _pWndClassEx hInstance GetCurrentModule _pWndClassEx lpszClassName pClassName atom..

Calling functions in a DLL from C++


#include .. export export.h int APIENTRY WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance HINSTANCE hPrevInstance LPSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow call..

Extract cursor image in Java


ms648391 VS.85 .aspx public Pointer LoadCursorW Pointer hInstance int lpCursorName http msdn.microsoft.com en us library ms648065..