

c++ Programming Glossary: istream_iterator

Default constructor with empty brackets


same problem std ifstream ifs file.txt std vector T v std istream_iterator T ifs std istream_iterator T v is interpreted as a declaration.. ifs file.txt std vector T v std istream_iterator T ifs std istream_iterator T v is interpreted as a declaration of function with 2 parameters.. is to add another pair of parentheses std vector T v std istream_iterator T ifs std istream_iterator T Or if you have C 11 and list initialization..

Bind Vs Lambda?


lambda std ifstream ifs wordsEn.txt std remove_copy_if std istream_iterator std string ifs std istream_iterator std string std ostream_iterator.. std remove_copy_if std istream_iterator std string ifs std istream_iterator std string std ostream_iterator std string std cout n bind std.. int main std ifstream ifs wordsEn.txt std copy_if std istream_iterator std string ifs std istream_iterator std string std ostream_iterator..

How to split a string in C++?


And I feel fine... istringstream iss sentence copy istream_iterator string iss istream_iterator string ostream_iterator string.. iss sentence copy istream_iterator string iss istream_iterator string ostream_iterator string cout n Instead of copying the.. the same generic copy algorithm. vector string tokens copy istream_iterator string iss istream_iterator string back_inserter vector string..

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


in a manner similar to the Standard Template Library's istream_iterator s. I have two problems here. The first is with the termination..

Elegant ways to count the frequency of words in a file


enable reading only letters input.open filename.txt istream_iterator string start input istream_iterator string end std map std string.. filename.txt istream_iterator string start input istream_iterator string end std map std string int wordCount std for_each start..

Read integers from a text file with C++ ifstream


std getline std cin line vv.push_back std vector int std istream_iterator int std stay std istringstream line std istream_iterator int..

Custom Iterator in C++


the following code. This class was originally taken from istream_iterator class and modified for my own use so it may not resemble the..