

c++ Programming Glossary: lua_open

Iterating through a Lua table from C++?


true bool render_func return false void test lua_State L lua_open luaL_openlibs L if luaL_dofile L levels.lua lua_pop L 1 return..

How to create nested Lua tables using the C API


lauxlib.h #include lualib.h int main int res lua_State L lua_open luaL_openlibs L lua_newtable L bottom table lua_newtable L upper.. lauxlib.h #include lualib.h int main int res lua_State L lua_open luaL_openlibs L lua_newtable L bottom table lua_newtable L upper..

Sending variable pointers back and forth between C++ and Lua?


L_setAge NULL NULL lua_State initLuaWithPerson lua_State L lua_open luaL_openlibs L luaL_register L Person p_methods lua_pushvalue..

Managing stack with Lua and C++


file and return 0 to many strings. int error 0 lua_State L lua_open luaL_openlibs L std vector string list_strings is used to push..

Embedding Lua in C++


but to no avail since the compiler complains about lua_open .I'm using Lua 5.2. I found alot of articles claiming that lua_open.. .I'm using Lua 5.2. I found alot of articles claiming that lua_open was replaced in the fifth version but none of them mentioned.. #include .. lua lauxlib.h int main int s 0 lua_State L lua_open load the libs luaL_openlibs L luaL_dofile L example.lua printf..

How can I end a Lua thread cleanly?


contains an infinite loop how can I do this lua_State Lua lua_open char code Initialisation code luaL_dostring L code c multithreading.. true luaL_error L Too Many Lines Error ... lua_State Lua lua_open char code Initialisation code lua_sethook Lua LineHookFunc LUA_MASKLINE..