

c++ Programming Glossary: lz

undefined reference to `mysql_init'


1 fno strict aliasing g L usr lib lmysqlclient lpthread lz lm lrt ldl Makefile all g `mysql_config cflags libs` main.cpp..

Android NDK building - Include LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES?


for these libraries If I don't include the lutils lmedia lz lbinder I am not able to even get to the linker error. I have.. videoplayer videoplayer jni lib L SYSROOT usr lib llog lz lm ldl lmedia lstagefright lutils lbinder lgcc landroid lc lstdc.. looked for API 14. 2. If I don't include the lutils lmedia lz lbinder I am not able to even get to the linker error. I have..

Use multiple ORBs through different threads (multithreaded multi-orb client application) - how?


include OB I usr include JTC L usr local lib lpthread lm lz lrt ldl lOB lJTC lCosNaming test.cpp Stacktrace #0 0x00566402..

cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


ICMCluster svm_light release lib lm ljpeg lpng lz lANN lpthread lsvm lsvmlight tim@user1 release . absurdity ...

How to make SIMPLE C++ Makefile?


lTree lRint lPostscript lMatrix lPhysics lMathCore lThread lz L sw lib lfreetype lz Wl framework CoreServices Wl framework.. lMatrix lPhysics lMathCore lThread lz L sw lib lfreetype lz Wl framework CoreServices Wl framework ApplicationServices pthread.. lTree lRint lPostscript lMatrix lPhysics lMathCore lThread lz L sw lib lfreetype lz Wl framework CoreServices Wl framework..

g++ linker: force static linking if static library exists?


libraries share improve this question g Wl Bstatic lz lfoo Wl Bdynamic lbar Wl as needed Will link zlib and libfoo..

Making a Objective-C Wrapper for a C++ Library


this to Xcode Target Properties Other Link Flags lstdc lz Or maybe I need to add new flags here Thanks in advance iphone..

How do I read / write gzipped files?


I have a usr lib libz.a . A simple g test gzstream.cpp lz didn't do it undefined reference to gz gzstreambase ~gzstreambase..

Linker errors when statically linking libcurl+openssl to my project


lcurl lcrypto lwsock32 lwldap32 leay32 lidn lrtmp lssh2 lz lssl32 lssl c curl openssl mingw libcurl share improve this.. oCURLDown.exe src CURLDown.o lcurl leay32 lidn lrtmp lssh2 lz lssl32 lcrypto suggests that you really don't specify all libs...

library is linked but reference is undefined


object files in the order they are specified. Thus foo.o lz bar.o searches library z after file foo.o but before bar.o...