

c++ Programming Glossary: rbp

How to initialise memory with new operator in C++?


Dual emission of constructor symbols


.cfi_personality 0x3 __gxx_personality_v0 pushq rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 movq rsp rbp .cfi_offset 6 16 .cfi_def_cfa_register.. pushq rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 movq rsp rbp .cfi_offset 6 16 .cfi_def_cfa_register 6 movq rdi 8 rbp leave.. rbp .cfi_offset 6 16 .cfi_def_cfa_register 6 movq rdi 8 rbp leave ret .cfi_endproc .LFE1 .size _ZN5ThingC2Ev . _ZN5ThingC2Ev..

Hoisting the dynamic type out of a loop (a.k.a. doing Java the C++ way)


__ZNK1A1fEv 9 __ZNK1A1fEv 10 LFB1477 11 pushq rbp 12 LCFI0 13 movq rsp rbp 14 LCFI1 15 xorl eax eax 16 leave 17.. 9 __ZNK1A1fEv 10 LFB1477 11 pushq rbp 12 LCFI0 13 movq rsp rbp 14 LCFI1 15 xorl eax eax 16 leave 17 ret 18 LFE1477 19 .align.. __ZNK1B1fEv 23 __ZNK1B1fEv 24 LFB1478 25 pushq rbp 26 LCFI2 27 movq rsp rbp 28 LCFI3 29 movl 1 eax 30 leave 31..

while (1) Vs. for (;;) Is there a speed difference?


.globl t_while .type t_while @function t_while .LFB2 pushq rbp .LCFI0 movq rsp rbp .LCFI1 .L2 movl .LC0 edi call puts jmp .L2.. t_while @function t_while .LFB2 pushq rbp .LCFI0 movq rsp rbp .LCFI1 .L2 movl .LC0 edi call puts jmp .L2 .LFE2 .size t_while.. .globl t_for .type t_for @function t_for .LFB3 pushq rbp .LCFI2 movq rsp rbp .LCFI3 .L5 movl .LC0 edi call puts jmp .L5..