

c++ Programming Glossary: readfile

Why does std::fstream set the EOF bit the way it does?


file IO typically ends up calling win32 stuff may call ReadFile but I believe that the functionality is similar . From the read..

Load an X509 PEM file into Windows CryptoApi


stderr Failed to open file. error d n GetLastError if ReadFile hFile pemPubKey 2048 readLen NULL fprintf stderr Failed to..

object loader in opengl


I have I have already created two functions which are void ReadFile model md Open the file for reading OBJINFO.TXT ifstream obj_file..

What happens if you static_cast invalid value to enum class?


enum class Color char red 0x1 yellow 0x2 ... char data ReadFile Color color static_cast Color data 0 Suppose that data 0 is..

How to perfrom Cross-Platform Asynchronous File I/O in C++


read . You can either have it set an event on completion ReadFile or call a completion callback ReadFileEx . You'll probably need.. event on completion ReadFile or call a completion callback ReadFileEx . You'll probably need to change your main event loop to use..

Reopening serial port fails if not closed properly with CloseHandle


I can communicate with the device using CreateFile and ReadFile functions but in some cases my application does not call CloseHandle..

How can I cin and cout some unicode text?


seemingly only had wgets interpret the 8 bit data from ReadFile as UTF 16. I'll investigate this a bit further during the weekend...

Reading and writing to USB (HID) interrupt endpoints on Mac


forward I get a handle to the device and then call either ReadFile or WriteFile. Apparently much of the underlying asynchronous..

Fastest way to read numerical values from text file in C++ (double in this case)


double in this case Currently my code is simply this void ReadFile double Cst 1000 char FileName int height FILE ifp double value..

How can I redirect stdout to some visible display in a Windows Application?


SetStdHandle then you can read from pipe's read end with ReadFile and put text you get from there anywhere you like. share improve..

Serial Comm using WriteFile/ReadFile


Comm using WriteFile ReadFile #include StdAfx.h #include stdio.h #include windows.h #include.. memset output 0 sizeof output while abContinue isRead ReadFile m_hCommPort output sizeof output dwBytesRead NULL if isRead.. com port. If I step through the code it goes into isRead ReadFile m_hCommPort output sizeof output dwBytesRead NULL and doesn't..

Multiple threads reading from the same file


0 NULL SetFilePointer h i 1000 NULL FILE_BEGIN ReadFile h buf sizeof buf numread NULL printf buf d 02X 02X 02X n i 1..

CreateProcess and CreatePipe to execute a process and return output as a string in VC++


DWORD reDword string m_csOutput csTemp BOOL res do res ReadFile rPipe buf 100 reDword 0 csTemp buf m_csOutput csTemp while.. this question You are not making correct use of the ReadFile function. Read about it here http msdn.microsoft.com en us library.. want to keep looping until it yields a zero reDword. Also ReadFile will not zero terminate your data for you so you have to do..

CreateFile: direct write operation to raw disk “Access is denied” - Vista, Win7


that has no filesystem . The CreateFile and consecutive ReadFile calls are successful for GENERIC_READ without Administrator..