

c++ Programming Glossary: rescue

Initialize std::array with a range (pair of iterators)


I to provoke the pack expansion. Comma operator to the rescue with void to silence warnings about lack of effects and also..

Populate An Array Using Constexpr at Compile-time


this question Ignoring ALL the issues indices to the rescue template unsigned... Is struct seq template unsigned N unsigned.....

What is “strip” (GCC application) used for?


#includes within a namespace, to “embed” prewritten stuff in namespace


somebody else has their own Valid. Namespaces to the rescue right But I don't want to change all of my existing code to..

Static linking vs dynamic linking


very limited environments early in the boot process or in rescue mode . Static linking can make binaries easier to distribute..

Copy Constructor not called by synthesized property setter in Objective C++ code


suitable unambiguous search terms. So Stackoverflow to the rescue I hope I have a C class that I have an instance of within an..

Linkage of symbols within anonymous namespace within a regular namespace
