

c++ Programming Glossary: stream.eof

C++ Debug builds broke in Snow Leopard X-Code


endl std cout stream.fail 0 stream.fail std endl std cout stream.eof 0 stream.eof std endl std cout stream.good 1 stream.good std.. stream.fail 0 stream.fail std endl std cout stream.eof 0 stream.eof std endl std cout stream.good 1 stream.good std endl stream.exceptions.. endl std cout stream.fail 0 stream.fail std endl std cout stream.eof 0 stream.eof std endl std cout stream.good 1 stream.good std..

Why does string extraction from a stream set the eof bit?


bit being set is that the only reason the evil idiom while stream.eof doesn't work when reading files is because of the extra n at..

Testing stream.good() or !stream.eof() reads last line twice [duplicate]


stream.good or stream.eof reads last line twice duplicate Possible Duplicate Why is iostream.. want to check bad eof and good. In particular for eof as stream.eof is a common mistake the stream currently being at EOF does not..

Why is failbit when eof on read? Is there a way out?


read char buffer 10 stream.read buffer sizeof buffer if stream.eof or stream.gcount sizeof buffer handle eof myself This design..