

c++ Programming Glossary: task2

return() versus pthread_exit() in pthread start functions


taskdata data t x 25 t y 4.5 t z Goodbye return data void task2 void data taskdata t taskdata data t x 25 t y 4.5 t z World.. y ts z endl by pthread_exit pthread_create threadID NULL task2 void t pthread_join threadID status ts taskdata status cout.. pthread_join threadID status ts taskdata status cout after task2 ts x ts y ts z endl With output of before 10 10 Hello after..

Unique hardware ID in Mac OS X


@ IOPlatformUUID split 0 line printf s n line 4 nil NSTask task2 NSTask new task2 setLaunchPath @ usr bin awk task2 setArguments.. split 0 line printf s n line 4 nil NSTask task2 NSTask new task2 setLaunchPath @ usr bin awk task2 setArguments args2 NSPipe.. NSTask task2 NSTask new task2 setLaunchPath @ usr bin awk task2 setArguments args2 NSPipe pipe2 NSPipe new task2 setStandardInput..