

c++ Programming Glossary: writefile

c++ console in a non-console application project


all your writing with Windows native console functions WriteFile WriteConsoleOutput etc. that's fine. Unfortunately it won't..

getting error code 998 Invalid access to memory location when trying to read from named pipe


GENERIC_READ 2 NULL OPEN_EXISTING NULL NULL BOOL bWrite WriteFile hPipe message size bytesWritten NULL LPVOID buffer 0 DWORD bytesRead..

communication between c++ and c# through pipe


printf CreateFile failed for Named Pipe client n else flg WriteFile hFile szPipeUpdate strlen szPipeUpdate dwWrite NULL if FALSE.. strlen szPipeUpdate dwWrite NULL if FALSE flg printf WriteFile failed for Named Pipe client n else printf WriteFile succeeded.. WriteFile failed for Named Pipe client n else printf WriteFile succeeded for Named Pipe client n CloseHandle hFile return..

Reading and writing to USB (HID) interrupt endpoints on Mac


a handle to the device and then call either ReadFile or WriteFile. Apparently much of the underlying asynchronous behavior is..

C++/Win32: How to wait for a pending delete to complete?


const DWORD dwWrite strlen pszFilename DWORD dwWritten if WriteFile hFile pszFilename dwWrite dwWritten NULL dwWritten dwWrite return..

Serial Comm using WriteFile/ReadFile


Comm using WriteFile ReadFile #include StdAfx.h #include stdio.h #include windows.h.. config.ByteSize config.StopBits int isWritten WriteFile m_hCommPort data DWORD sizeof data dwBytesWritten NULL memset.. EscapeCommFunction file SETDTR system_error setting DTR if WriteFile file init sizeof init written NULL system_error writing data..

WriteFile returning error 1784


returning error 1784 I am creating a program to populate a.. Currently I am writing files of variable sizes using WriteFile . WriteFile hFile FileData i 1024 dwWrote NULL err GetLastError.. I am writing files of variable sizes using WriteFile . WriteFile hFile FileData i 1024 dwWrote NULL err GetLastError err returns..

C++: Convert text file of integers into a bitmap image file in BMP format


size_t i 0 i intCount i buffer i dist rng std ofstream writeFile integerFilename std ofstream binary if writeFile std cout Error.. ofstream writeFile integerFilename std ofstream binary if writeFile std cout Error writing integerFilename . n Exit writeFile buffer.. writeFile std cout Error writing integerFilename . n Exit writeFile buffer 0 for size_t i 1 i intCount i writeFile buffer i int..

C++ Loop Not Looping Appropriately


4 void initialize double hot_plate ARRAY_SIZE bool writeFile const double HOT_PLATE ARRAY_SIZE const string FILE_NAME double.. hot_plate_prev i j hot_plate i j if theSame break if writeFile hot_plate file_name cout File wrote correctly n else cout The.. hot_plate i j 0.0 Write the data to the CSV file bool writeFile const double HOT_PLATE ARRAY_SIZE const string FILE_NAME open..