

c++ Programming Glossary: function_types

What is the simplest way to create and call dynamically a class method in C++?


tuple.hpp #include boost mpl identity.hpp #include boost function_types parameter_types.hpp #include boost function_types result_type.hpp.. boost function_types parameter_types.hpp #include boost function_types result_type.hpp #include boost function_types function_arity.hpp.. boost function_types result_type.hpp #include boost function_types function_arity.hpp #include boost preprocessor repetition.hpp..

Is there a way to deduce the signature of a lambda as an mpl sequence?


to decompose its operator . Example #include boost function_types parameter_types.hpp #include boost mpl at.hpp #include boost.. b int c return x typedef decltype f lambda_t typedef boost function_types parameter_types decltype lambda_t operator type args_t we can..

C++ metafunction to determine whether a type is callable


type function reference type these are detected by boost function_types is_callable_builtin lambda types and any class with an overloaded..