

c++ Programming Glossary: invalidaterect

GDI Acceleration In Windows 7 / Drawing To Memory Bitmap


updated here Then make the screen update if bInvalidate InvalidateRect rcInvalid So you can then either just draw direct to the memory.. can then either just draw direct to the memory DC and call InvalidateRect or put all your drawing code in rcUpdateBitmap which was more..

DoEvents equivalent for C++?


I press the left mouse button it has a for loop that does InvalidateRect and draws a rectangle and increments X by the box size each..

Bitmap transfer using Winsock, GetDIBits and SetDiBits [closed]


hRemoteBitmap 0 scrHeight data biSize 3 bi DIB_RGB_COLORS InvalidateRect hwnd NULL false break continue if num 0 connection closed..

c++ using too much cpu


index .x 21 health 30 Enemie1.pEnemie1 0 InvalidateRect hWnd rect false for long index 0 index long Enemie1.vS2Enemie1.size.. index .x 21 health 30 Enemie1.pEnemie1 0 InvalidateRect hWnd rect false if health 225 cursor 1 SetTimer hWnd PROTECTED_ID.. 1 SetTimer hWnd PROTECTED_ID 1000 NULL life health 0 InvalidateRect hWnd rect false Hits for long index 0 index long vRegularShots.size..