

c++ Programming Glossary: is_const

(Im)perfect forwarding with variadic templates


different metacomputations. E.g. And std is_integral T Not is_const T is more conveniant than std integral_constant bool std is_integral.. than std integral_constant bool std is_integral T value is_const T value . I don't recommend any particular strategy because.. those exact terms template typename... Args EnableIf std is_constructible foo_impl Args... ... foo Args ... args Benefit This..

C++ compile-time constant detection


really a valid C Is there a way to get rid of these macros is_const can't be a function because the function dependence won't work.. chk2 void return 0 static int chk2 Temp return 0 #define is_const_0 X sizeof chkconst chk2 X sizeof int #define is_const_0i X.. is_const_0 X sizeof chkconst chk2 X sizeof int #define is_const_0i X sizeof chkconst chk2 X sizeof char #define is_const X is_const_0..

Type decision based on existence of nested typedef


sizeof test T 0 sizeof yes template typename T struct is_const static const bool value false template typename T struct is_const.. static const bool value false template typename T struct is_const const T static const bool value true template typename bool.. T false typedef typename value_type_switch T is_const T value type type template typename T struct element typedef..

Preventing non-const lvalues from resolving to rvalue reference instead of const lvalue reference


T type Tr typedef typename remove_cv Tr type Trcv if is_const Tr value cout const if is_volatile Tr value cout volatile std..

Detecting the parameter types in a Spirit semantic action


print_the_type std cout std cout typeid T .name if std is_const typename std remove_reference T type value std cout const if..