

c++ Programming Glossary: lately

Should I write constructors using rvalues for std::string?


S X const std string s S s I've read a bit about rvalues lately and I've been wondering if I should write constructor for X..

Any disadvantage of using const reference when iterating over basic types?


over basic types I find myself using C 11 more and more lately and where I would have been using iterators in the past I now..

Use std::initializer_list in Visual C++ Compiler November 2012 CTP


does. My operating system is Windows 8 x64. Therefore I lately installed the Visual C Compiler November 2012 CTP and as mentioned..

Why is my char* writable and sometimes read only in C++


in C I have had really big problems understand the char lately. Let's say I made a recursive function to revert a char but..

Why do programmers sometimes refer to “C++/STL” like it's a separate language?


a trivial question but it's one that's bothered me a lot lately. Why do some programmers refer to C STL like it's a different..

Should the name of my classes begin with 'Q' in Qt?


Qt didn't use them because it's quite old. C changed a lot lately. And generally adapting your naming conventions according to..

How to learn proper C++? [closed]


methods and for some reason that just doesn't seem right lately. The professional in me yells just get the job done the academic..

Scripting language for C++


languages provided they're popping like mushrooms lately Today I thought that it would be nice to have a scripting language..

API Hook on a COM object function?


how safe it is. I've been playing with API hooking a lot lately and I'm already using it to hook a few functions for my extension...

Stack,Static and Heap in C++


it can't be a static. Garbage Collection I've heard a lot lately about how great Garbage Collectors are so maybe a bit of a dissenting..

When should I use the keyword “typename” when using templates


typename&rdquo when using templates I've been working lately on a small project and I couldn't figure out something.. I've..

CString to char*


function accepts this and we keep going. However we have lately become worried about how this works and whether there is a better..

Casting an object to a reference?


an object to a reference I've been reading some OSS code lately and stumbled upon this peculiar piece class Foo ..... void bar..

Does C++11 add the C99 restrict specifier? If not, why not?


is a C99 feature which is getting a lot of attention lately by allowing the compiler to perform previously fortran only..

Disambiguator template keyword for a template member of a template: when exactly?


quote is a pre standard term and was gotten rid of fairly lately I believe it was at December1996 . It basically meant in this..

recommended guides/books to read assembly


guides books to read assembly So lately I've been intrested in reading assembly which is displayed by..