

c++ Programming Glossary: lua_pcall

Calling lua functions from .lua's using handles?


scriptdir filename if luaL_loadfile L filepath.c_str lua_pcall L 0 0 0 std cout ScriptEngine error loading script. Error returned..

Sending variable pointers back and forth between C++ and Lua?


lua_State L initLuaWithPerson luaL_loadstring L Lua_script lua_pcall L 0 0 0 return 0 There are other ways to implement OO in Lua...

Managing stack with Lua and C++


L src test.lua 0 lua_pushstring L path.c_str if error lua_pcall L 1 LUA_MULTRET 0 0 lua_gettable L LUA_GLOBALSINDEX lua_pcall.. L 1 LUA_MULTRET 0 0 lua_gettable L LUA_GLOBALSINDEX lua_pcall L 1 1 0 if lua_gettop L 1 lua_istable L 1 int len lua_objlen.. values in your code. OK let's start from the top if error lua_pcall L 1 LUA_MULTRET 0 0 Normally when you perform a lua_pcall the..