

c++ Programming Glossary: pvoid

Win32 API to enumerate dll export functions?


IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT .VirtualAddress PVOID names BYTE lib exports AddressOfNames for int i 0 i exports..

Is it possible to guarantee code doing memory writes is not optimized away in C++?


C runtime library is implemented WinNT.h FORCEINLINE PVOID RtlSecureZeroMemory __in_bcount cnt PVOID ptr __in SIZE_T cnt.. FORCEINLINE PVOID RtlSecureZeroMemory __in_bcount cnt PVOID ptr __in SIZE_T cnt volatile char vptr volatile char ptr #if..

How do I stop name-mangling of my DLL's exported function?


int WINAPI DllMain HINSTANCE hInstance DWORD fdwReason PVOID pvReserved return TRUE EXPORT TCHAR CALLBACK GetName return..

Passing function Pointers in C++


LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE threadName thread function name LPVOID i argument to thread function 0 use default creation flags 0.. m_Handle CreateThread NULL 0 self_calling_callback PVOID this 0 m_ThreadId if IsHandleValid throw StartException CreateThread..

Handles Comparison: empty classes vs. undefined classes vs. void*


HBOOK handle to be used internally Approach 3 typedef void PVOID typedef PVOID HBOOK handle to be used internally I just want.. be used internally Approach 3 typedef void PVOID typedef PVOID HBOOK handle to be used internally I just want to know the advantages..

What is PVOID ?


is PVOID Can someone explain what PVOID is and how it is used in a function.. is PVOID Can someone explain what PVOID is and how it is used in a function like BOOL DoSomething PVOID.. is and how it is used in a function like BOOL DoSomething PVOID pMemPhy c pointers void share improve this question void..

How to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64


stk __inout LP STACKFRAME64 StackFrame Context __inout PVOID ContextRecord NULL __in_opt PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE64.. USHORT WINAPI s_pfnCaptureStackBackTrace ULONG ULONG PVOID PULONG 0 if s_pfnCaptureStackBackTrace 0 const HMODULE hNtDll.. GetProcAddress hNtDll RtlCaptureStackBackTrace PVOID myFrames 128 s_pfnCaptureStackBackTrace 0 128 myFrames NULL..

How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++?


len flags BOOL WINAPI DllMain HINSTANCE DWORD dwReason LPVOID switch dwReason case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH DetourTransactionBegin.. DetourUpdateThread GetCurrentThread DetourAttach PVOID Real_Send Mine_Send DetourAttach PVOID Real_Recv Mine_Recv.. DetourAttach PVOID Real_Send Mine_Send DetourAttach PVOID Real_Recv Mine_Recv DetourTransactionCommit break case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH..

Determine path to registry key from HKEY handle in C++


NtQueryKeyType HANDLE KeyHandle int KeyInformationClass PVOID KeyInformation ULONG Length PULONG ResultLength NtQueryKeyType..