

c++ Programming Glossary: system_info

How to get list of GDI handles


GetLastError return 1 determine if 64 or 32 bit processor SYSTEM_INFO si GetNativeSystemInfo si NOTE as this is undocumented it may..

Programmatically find the number of cores on a machine


std thread hardware_concurrency Win32 SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors..

ReleaseSemaphore does not release the semaphore


ids int lpParameter return DWORD int x int main SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo int numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors..

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


static int numProcessors static HANDLE self void init SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo FILETIME ftime fsys fuser GetSystemInfo &sysInfo numProcessors..

Count Processors using C++ under Windows


to another easier way to do it would be via GetSystemInfo SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo GetSystemInfo sysinfo numCPU sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors..

GetVersionEx under Windows 8


User32.lib #define BUFSIZE 256 typedef void WINAPI PGNSI LPSYSTEM_INFO typedef BOOL WINAPI PGPI DWORD DWORD DWORD DWORD PDWORD BOOL.. BOOL GetOSDisplayString LPTSTR pszOS OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi SYSTEM_INFO si PGNSI pGNSI PGPI pGPI BOOL bOsVersionInfoEx DWORD dwType.. BOOL bOsVersionInfoEx DWORD dwType ZeroMemory si sizeof SYSTEM_INFO ZeroMemory osvi sizeof OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize..