

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:03:34

iphone Programming Glossary: alloc

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


doneSelector aDoneSelector errorSelector anErrorSelector self upload return self Uploader dealloc Destructor. Results None Side effects None void dealloc serverURL release serverURL nil filePath.. upload return self Uploader dealloc Destructor. Results None Side effects None void dealloc serverURL release serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector.. release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector NULL super dealloc Uploader filePath Gets the path of the file this object is uploading. Results Path to the upload..

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone


to print such values. int main int argc const char argv NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init NSString key @ my password NSString secret @ text to encrypt NSData plain secret dataUsingEncoding.. plain cipher AES256DecryptWithKey key printf s n plain description UTF8String printf s n NSString alloc initWithData plain encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding UTF8String pool drain return 0 Given this code and.. key NSString decryptData NSData ciphertext withKey NSString key return NSString alloc initWithData ciphertext AES256DecryptWithKey key encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding autorelease This definitely..

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView


cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier identifier if cell nil cell UITableView alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier identifier cell autorelelase UIButton button.. UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier identifier cell autorelelase UIButton button UIButton alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 10 5 40 20 button addTarget self action @selector buttonPressedAction forControlEvents.. cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier identifier if cell nil cell UITableView alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier identifier cell autorelelase UIButton button..

How can I send mail from an iPhone application


Then to send a message MFMailComposeViewController controller MFMailComposeViewController alloc init controller.mailComposeDelegate self controller setSubject @ My Subject controller setMessageBody..

EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal received


the memory management rules unless you make a big point of it. Remember anything you get from an allocation function usually the static alloc method but there are a few others or a copy method you own the.. make a big point of it. Remember anything you get from an allocation function usually the static alloc method but there are a few others or a copy method you own the memory too and must release it when you.. it around beyond the immediate function that you retain it. If you don't the memory may remain allocated while you are using it or be released but coincidentally still valid during your emulator testing..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


you ™ll have to 1 Wire the writer NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath somePath fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert..

parsing HTML on the iPhone [closed]


to feel comfortable with the XPath language. Code Example #import TFHpple.h NSData data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfFile @ example.html Create parser xpathParser TFHpple alloc initWithHTMLData data.. NSData data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfFile @ example.html Create parser xpathParser TFHpple alloc initWithHTMLData data Get all the cells of the 2nd row of the 3rd table NSArray elements xpathParser..

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?


create an instance of MyClass and assign it as the window's delegate MyClass myDelegate MyClass alloc init window setDelegate myDelegate On the NSWindow side it probably has code similar to this to see..

Objective C HTML escape/unescape


MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString s self.resultString appendString.. dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion YES NSXMLParser xmlParse NSXMLParser alloc initWithData data autorelease xmlParse setDelegate self xmlParse parse return NSString stringWithFormat..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


unexpectedly If you do a simple fixed format operation such as NSDateFormatter fmt NSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyyMMddHHmmss NSString dateStr fmt stringFromDate someDate fmt release Then.. formatter for a specific region generally the US but this is a bit messy NSLocale loc NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US df setLocale loc loc release Not too bad in onsies twosies but I'm.. with a version that would set the locale in the init method. Requires changing two lines the alloc init line and the added import. Added This is what I've come up with so far seems to work in all scenarios..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


retain filePath aFilePath retain delegate aDelegate retain doneSelector aDoneSelector errorSelector anErrorSelector self upload return self Uploader dealloc Destructor. Results None Side effects None void dealloc serverURL release serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector.. aDoneSelector errorSelector anErrorSelector self upload return self Uploader dealloc Destructor. Results None Side effects None void dealloc serverURL release serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector NULL super dealloc Uploader filePath.. void dealloc serverURL release serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector NULL super dealloc Uploader filePath Gets the path of the file this object is uploading. Results Path to the upload file. Side effects None NSString filePath return filePath..

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone


various points in a real application it wouldn't make sense to print such values. int main int argc const char argv NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init NSString key @ my password NSString secret @ text to encrypt NSData plain secret dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSData cipher plain AES256EncryptWithKey.. key printf s n cipher description UTF8String plain cipher AES256DecryptWithKey key printf s n plain description UTF8String printf s n NSString alloc initWithData plain encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding UTF8String pool drain return 0 Given this code and the fact that encrypted data will not always translate nicely.. return plaintext dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding AES256EncryptWithKey key NSString decryptData NSData ciphertext withKey NSString key return NSString alloc initWithData ciphertext AES256DecryptWithKey key encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding autorelease This definitely works on Snow Leopard and @Boz reports that CommonCrypto..

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView


indexPath NSString identifier @ identifier UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier identifier if cell nil cell UITableView alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier identifier cell autorelelase UIButton button UIButton alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 10 5 40 20 button.. identifier if cell nil cell UITableView alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier identifier cell autorelelase UIButton button UIButton alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 10 5 40 20 button addTarget self action @selector buttonPressedAction forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside button setTag 1 cell.contentView.. indexPath NSString identifier @ identifier UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier identifier if cell nil cell UITableView alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier identifier cell autorelelase UIButton button UIButton alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 10 5 40 20 button..

How can I send mail from an iPhone application


framework and import #import MessageUI MFMailComposeViewController.h Then to send a message MFMailComposeViewController controller MFMailComposeViewController alloc init controller.mailComposeDelegate self controller setSubject @ My Subject controller setMessageBody @ Hello there. isHTML NO if controller self presentModalViewController..

EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal received


it can take a little while before you really internalise the memory management rules unless you make a big point of it. Remember anything you get from an allocation function usually the static alloc method but there are a few others or a copy method you own the memory too and must release it when you are done. But if you.. you really internalise the memory management rules unless you make a big point of it. Remember anything you get from an allocation function usually the static alloc method but there are a few others or a copy method you own the memory too and must release it when you are done. But if you get something back from just about anything.. future by other code so it is vital that if you need to keep it around beyond the immediate function that you retain it. If you don't the memory may remain allocated while you are using it or be released but coincidentally still valid during your emulator testing but is more likely to be released and show up as bad access..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


that lets you add individual frames to a video stream. Essentially you ™ll have to 1 Wire the writer NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath somePath fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary videoSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys..

parsing HTML on the iPhone [closed]


XPathQuery.m Take a walk on w3school XPath Tutorial to feel comfortable with the XPath language. Code Example #import TFHpple.h NSData data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfFile @ example.html Create parser xpathParser TFHpple alloc initWithHTMLData data Get all the cells of the 2nd row of the 3rd table NSArray elements.. with the XPath language. Code Example #import TFHpple.h NSData data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfFile @ example.html Create parser xpathParser TFHpple alloc initWithHTMLData data Get all the cells of the 2nd row of the 3rd table NSArray elements xpathParser searchWithXPathQuery @ table 3 tr 2 td Access the first cell..

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?


NSNotification notification ... @end Then you could create an instance of MyClass and assign it as the window's delegate MyClass myDelegate MyClass alloc init window setDelegate myDelegate On the NSWindow side it probably has code similar to this to see if the delegate responds to the windowDidMove message using..

Objective C HTML escape/unescape


NSString convertEntiesInString NSString s @end @implementation MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString s self.resultString appendString s NSString convertEntiesInString NSString s if s nil NSLog.. xmlStr NSString stringWithFormat @ d @ d s NSData data xmlStr dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion YES NSXMLParser xmlParse NSXMLParser alloc initWithData data autorelease xmlParse setDelegate self xmlParse parse return NSString stringWithFormat @ @ resultString void dealloc resultString release super..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


It seems that NSDateFormatter has a feature that bites you unexpectedly If you do a simple fixed format operation such as NSDateFormatter fmt NSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyyMMddHHmmss NSString dateStr fmt stringFromDate someDate fmt release Then it works fine in the US and most locales UNTIL ... someone.. The circumvention is apparently to set the locale of the date formatter for a specific region generally the US but this is a bit messy NSLocale loc NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US df setLocale loc loc release Not too bad in onsies twosies but I'm dealing with about ten different apps and the first one I look.. code to obscure My first instinct is to override NSDateFormatter with a version that would set the locale in the init method. Requires changing two lines the alloc init line and the added import. Added This is what I've come up with so far seems to work in all scenarios @implementation BNSDateFormatter id init static NSLocale..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


aDelegate retain doneSelector aDoneSelector errorSelector anErrorSelector self upload return self Uploader dealloc Destructor. Results None Side effects None void dealloc serverURL release serverURL nil filePath release filePath.. anErrorSelector self upload return self Uploader dealloc Destructor. Results None Side effects None void dealloc serverURL release serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector.. serverURL nil filePath release filePath nil delegate release delegate nil doneSelector NULL errorSelector NULL super dealloc Uploader filePath Gets the path of the file this object is uploading. Results Path to the upload file. Side effects..

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone


wouldn't make sense to print such values. int main int argc const char argv NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init NSString key @ my password NSString secret @ text to encrypt NSData plain secret dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding.. UTF8String plain cipher AES256DecryptWithKey key printf s n plain description UTF8String printf s n NSString alloc initWithData plain encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding UTF8String pool drain return 0 Given this code and the fact that encrypted.. AES256EncryptWithKey key NSString decryptData NSData ciphertext withKey NSString key return NSString alloc initWithData ciphertext AES256DecryptWithKey key encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding autorelease This definitely works on Snow..

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView


@ identifier UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier identifier if cell nil cell UITableView alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier identifier cell autorelelase UIButton button UIButton alloc initWithFrame.. alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier identifier cell autorelelase UIButton button UIButton alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 10 5 40 20 button addTarget self action @selector buttonPressedAction forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside.. @ identifier UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier identifier if cell nil cell UITableView alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier identifier cell autorelelase UIButton button UIButton alloc initWithFrame..

How can I send mail from an iPhone application


Then to send a message MFMailComposeViewController controller MFMailComposeViewController alloc init controller.mailComposeDelegate self controller setSubject @ My Subject controller setMessageBody @ Hello there. isHTML..

EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal received


really internalise the memory management rules unless you make a big point of it. Remember anything you get from an allocation function usually the static alloc method but there are a few others or a copy method you own the memory too and must.. rules unless you make a big point of it. Remember anything you get from an allocation function usually the static alloc method but there are a few others or a copy method you own the memory too and must release it when you are done. But if.. if you need to keep it around beyond the immediate function that you retain it. If you don't the memory may remain allocated while you are using it or be released but coincidentally still valid during your emulator testing but is more likely..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


a video stream. Essentially you ™ll have to 1 Wire the writer NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath somePath fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary..

parsing HTML on the iPhone [closed]


w3school XPath Tutorial to feel comfortable with the XPath language. Code Example #import TFHpple.h NSData data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfFile @ example.html Create parser xpathParser TFHpple alloc initWithHTMLData data Get all the cells of.. #import TFHpple.h NSData data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfFile @ example.html Create parser xpathParser TFHpple alloc initWithHTMLData data Get all the cells of the 2nd row of the 3rd table NSArray elements xpathParser searchWithXPathQuery..

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?


@end Then you could create an instance of MyClass and assign it as the window's delegate MyClass myDelegate MyClass alloc init window setDelegate myDelegate On the NSWindow side it probably has code similar to this to see if the delegate responds..

Objective C HTML escape/unescape


s @end @implementation MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString s self.resultString appendString s NSString convertEntiesInString.. s NSData data xmlStr dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion YES NSXMLParser xmlParse NSXMLParser alloc initWithData data autorelease xmlParse setDelegate self xmlParse parse return NSString stringWithFormat @ @ resultString..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


that bites you unexpectedly If you do a simple fixed format operation such as NSDateFormatter fmt NSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyyMMddHHmmss NSString dateStr fmt stringFromDate someDate fmt release Then it works fine in the.. the locale of the date formatter for a specific region generally the US but this is a bit messy NSLocale loc NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US df setLocale loc loc release Not too bad in onsies twosies but I'm dealing with about ten.. override NSDateFormatter with a version that would set the locale in the init method. Requires changing two lines the alloc init line and the added import. Added This is what I've come up with so far seems to work in all scenarios @implementation..

Do you need to release parameters of methods at the end of them in Objective-C?


Understanding the memory consumption on iPhone


in Instruments are still much bigger than what I would expect. I ran the application with the Memory Monitor Object Alloc Leaks and OpenGL ES instruments. When the application gets loaded free physical memory drops from 37 MB to 23 MB the Object.. and OpenGL ES instruments. When the application gets loaded free physical memory drops from 37 MB to 23 MB the Object Alloc settles around 7 MB Leaks show two or three leaks a few bytes in size the Gart Object Size is about 5 MB and Memory Monitor.. application takes up about 14 MB of real memory. I am perplexed as where did the memory go when I dig into the Object Allocations most of the memory is in the textures exactly as I would expect. But both my own texture allocation counter and the..

NSXMLParser retrieving wrong data from XML tags


NSDictionary attributeDict if elementName isEqualToString @ document NSLog @ doc found if temp nil temp release Alloc temp string currentNodeContent NSMutableString alloc init Found Character void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters..

check retain count


LLVM Clang Static analyzer can typically find memory management problems even before you run your program. The Object Alloc instrument in the Instruments application see Instruments User Guide can track object allocation and destruction. Shark..