

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:03:39

iphone Programming Glossary: annotation.title

Custom MKAnnotationView with frame,icon and image


addTarget self action @selector writeSomething forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside rightButton setTitle annotation.title forState UIControlStateNormal annotationView.rightCalloutAccessoryView rightButton annotationView.canShowCallout YES annotationView.draggable.. addTarget self action @selector writeSomething forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside rightButton setTitle annotation.title forState UIControlStateNormal annotationView.rightCalloutAccessoryView rightButton annotationView.canShowCallout YES annotationView.draggable..

Pass data to detailView when annotation tapped on mapview


UIButton rightButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure rightButton setTitle annotation.title forState UIControlStateNormal rightButton addTarget self action @selector showDetails forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside..

MKMapView MKAnnotationView ISSUE?


mapView MKMapView mapView viewForAnnotation id MKAnnotation annotation MKPinAnnotationView newAnnotation nil if annotation.title isEqualToString @ You are here. newAnnotation MKPinAnnotationView alloc initWithAnnotation annotation reuseIdentifier @..

Using a custom annotation when adding it to map


How to get left-top and right-buttom latitude and longitude of map in MapKit


2 CLLocationCoordinate2D lt lt.latitude topL lt.longitude topG annotation Annotation new annotation.coordinate lt annotation.title @ Left map addAnnotation annotation annotation release if latitude 55 and latitudeDelta 126 bottomL is 7.23 and it will.. CLLocationCoordinate2D rb rb.latitude bottomL rb.longitude bottomG annotation Annotation new annotation.coordinate rb annotation.title @ Right map addAnnotation annotation annotation release iphone mapkit share improve this question There is a much easier..

MapView Annotation not dragging


annotation MKAnnotationView aView aView MKAnnotationView mvMap dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier annotation.title if aView nil aView MKAnnotationView alloc initWithAnnotation annotation reuseIdentifier annotation.title autorelease else.. annotation.title if aView nil aView MKAnnotationView alloc initWithAnnotation annotation reuseIdentifier annotation.title autorelease else aView.annotation annotation aView setImage UIImage imageNamed selIcon aView.canShowCallout TRUE aView setDraggable..

How to get click event from a button added over MKAnnotationView


annView addSubview pinButton annView.annotation annotation UIButton pb UIButton annView viewWithTag 10 pb setTitle annotation.title forState UIControlStateNormal return annView void handlePinButtonTap UITapGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer UIButton btn..

Optimizing Code for MKMapView - Large Number of Annotations


alloc initWithAnnotation annotation reuseIdentifier @ currentloc annView.pinColor MKPinAnnotationColorRed nameSaved annotation.title for PlaceObject info in mapLocations if info.name nameSaved saveID info.UniqueID UIButton advertButton UIButton buttonWithType..

Replace icon pin by text label in annotation?


av.canShowCallout YES av.frame lbl.frame else av.annotation annotation UILabel lbl UILabel av viewWithTag 42 lbl.text annotation.title return av Make sure the map view's delegate property is set otherwise this delegate method will not get called and you will..