

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:09

iphone Programming Glossary: attr

OpenGL ES 2d rendering into image


allmybrain.com 2011 12 08 rendering to a texture with ios 5 texture cache api CFDictionaryRef empty empty value for attr value. CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs empty CFDictionaryCreate kCFAllocatorDefault our empty IOSurface properties dictionary.. to a texture with ios 5 texture cache api CFDictionaryRef empty empty value for attr value. CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs empty CFDictionaryCreate kCFAllocatorDefault our empty IOSurface properties dictionary NULL NULL 0 kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks.. IOSurface properties dictionary NULL NULL 0 kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks attrs CFDictionaryCreateMutable kCFAllocatorDefault 1 kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks CFDictionarySetValue..

SimpleXML way of parsing in Objective C for iPhone App


an object that captures all the data in the xml file. Accessing the data is a straightforward call like xml element attr iphone xml share improve this question If you want to use libxml2 with an Objective C front take a look at this useful..

JSON to Persistent Data Store (CoreData, etc.)


object NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Object inManagedObjectContext moc NSDictionary attributes NSEntityDescription entityForName @ Object inManagedObjectContext moc attributesByName for NSString attr in attributes.. moc NSDictionary attributes NSEntityDescription entityForName @ Object inManagedObjectContext moc attributesByName for NSString attr in attributes object setValue dict valueForKey attr forKey attr return object The above.. attributes NSEntityDescription entityForName @ Object inManagedObjectContext moc attributesByName for NSString attr in attributes object setValue dict valueForKey attr forKey attr return object The above assumes that the attribute names..

Get truncated text from UILabel


font you're using CTFontRef ctFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef uiFont.fontName uiFont.pointSize NULL NSDictionary attr NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject id ctFont forKey id kCTFontAttributeName CFRelease ctfont NSAttributedString attrString.. attr NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject id ctFont forKey id kCTFontAttributeName CFRelease ctfont NSAttributedString attrString NSAttributedString alloc initWithString yourLabelText attributes attr CTFrameSetterRef frameSetter CTFrameSetterCreateWithAttributedString.. CFRelease ctfont NSAttributedString attrString NSAttributedString alloc initWithString yourLabelText attributes attr CTFrameSetterRef frameSetter CTFrameSetterCreateWithAttributedString CFAttributedStringRef attrString attrString..

UITableViewCell subview disappears when cell is selected


RMProductAttributesCellColorThumbTag colorThumb.hidden YES cell.contentView addSubview colorThumb RMProductAttribute attr RMProductAttribute _product.attributes objectAtIndex indexPath.section RMProductAttributeValue value RMProductAttributeValue.. colorThumb.hidden YES cell.contentView addSubview colorThumb RMProductAttribute attr RMProductAttribute _product.attributes objectAtIndex indexPath.section RMProductAttributeValue value RMProductAttributeValue attr.values objectAtIndex indexPath.row.. _product.attributes objectAtIndex indexPath.section RMProductAttributeValue value RMProductAttributeValue attr.values objectAtIndex indexPath.row cell.textLabel.text value.name cell.textLabel.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor UIView..