

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:46

iphone Programming Glossary: buttonpressed

How can I create a big, red UIButton with the iPhone SDK?


10.0 topCapHeight 0.0 forState UIControlStateNormal sampleButton addTarget self action @selector buttonPressed forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside self.view addSubview sampleButton Obviously you will need to adjust the frame..

Custom UIButton for Iphone


10.0 topCapHeight 0.0 forState UIControlStateNormal sampleButton addTarget self action @selector buttonPressed forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside self.view addSubview sampleButton Obviously you will need to adjust the frame..

Showing login view controller before main tab bar controller


id LoginViewControllerDelegate delegate @property nonatomic assign id LoginViewControllerDelegate delegate IBAction buttonPressed @end @protocol LoginViewControllerDelegate void loginViewControllerDidFinish LoginViewController_Pad loginViewController.. @end LoginViewController_Pad.m @implementation LoginViewController_Pad @synthesize delegate ... IBAction buttonPressed self.view removeFromSuperview self.delegate loginViewControllerDidFinish self ... @end So the app delegate adds the login.. loginViewController self.mainTabBarController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated NO LoginViewController_Pad.m IBAction buttonPressed do NOT removeFromSuperview delegate will dismiss self.view removeFromSuperview self.delegate loginViewControllerDidFinish..

Action sheet doesn't show Cancel button on iPad


sheet doesn't show Cancel button on iPad On the iphone this code shows the cancel button IBAction buttonPressed UIActionSheet actionSheet UIActionSheet alloc initWithTitle @ Are you sure delegate self cancelButtonTitle @ No way..

Passing parameters on button action:@selector


want to pass the movie url from my dynamically generated button to MediaPlayer button addTarget self action @selector buttonPressed withObject speakers_mp4 objectAtIndex indexPath row forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside but action @selector withObject..

UITapGestureRecognizer on a UIButton


You can just use the standard control events provided. First declare these two methods in your .h file IBAction buttonPressed UIButton button IBAction buttonReleased UIButton button Use IBAction if you're going to use IB to hook up the events otherwise.. to use IB to hook up the events otherwise just use void. Next in IB for each button hook up the Touch Down event with buttonPressed . Or to do it programmatically button1 addTarget self action @selector buttonPressed forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchDown.. hook up the Touch Down event with buttonPressed . Or to do it programmatically button1 addTarget self action @selector buttonPressed forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchDown button2 addTarget self action @selector buttonPressed forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchDown..

create uibutton subclass


button ActivityIndicatorButton alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 10 10 300 44 button addTarget self action @selector buttonPressed forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside button setTitle @ Older Posts... forState UIControlStateNormal cell addSubview..

Passing custom data in [UIButton addTarget]


the data in different ways. For example if the button is in a UITableView you could use something like this IBAction buttonPressed UIButton sender CGPoint buttonOriginInTableView sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView tableView NSIndexPath indexPath tableView..

UIButton TouchUpInside Touch Location


a pointer to the button into locationInView . Here's a tested action that you can try in your view controller IBAction buttonPressed id sender forEvent UIEvent event UIView button UIView sender UITouch touch event touchesForView button anyObject CGPoint..

Facebook API dialog page showing error in second time and after that


tutorial in the facebook link below here. https developers.facebook.com docs mobile ios build Here it is my code. void buttonPressed id sender facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ YOUR_APP_ID andDelegate self NSUserDefaults defaults NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults..

get section number and row number on custom cells button click?


tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath function you would do something like theCell.button addTarget self action @selector buttonPressed withEvent forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside Then your event handler would look like this void buttonPressed id.. buttonPressed withEvent forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside Then your event handler would look like this void buttonPressed id sender withEvent UIEvent event UITouch touch event touches anyObject CGPoint location touch locationInView self.tableView..