

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:58

iphone Programming Glossary: centerpoint

Curve text on existing circle


CGContextSelectFont context fontName 18 kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetRGBFillColor context 0 0 0 1 CGPoint centerPoint CGPointMake imageSize.size.width 2 imageSize.size.height 2 double radius frame.size.width 2 CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect.. 2 imageSize.size.height 2 double radius frame.size.width 2 CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect context CGRectMake centerPoint.x frame.size.width 2 centerPoint.y frame.size.height 2 frame.size.width frame.size.height for int index 0 index sections.. 2 double radius frame.size.width 2 CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect context CGRectMake centerPoint.x frame.size.width 2 centerPoint.y frame.size.height 2 frame.size.width frame.size.height for int index 0 index sections count index NSString menuItemText..

Why animating custom CALayer properties causes other properties to be nil during animation?


method. void drawInContext CGContextRef ctx NSLog @ Drawing layer tint is @ radius is @ self.tint self.radius CGPoint centerPoint CGPointMake CGRectGetWidth self.bounds 2 CGRectGetHeight self.bounds 2 CGContextMoveToPoint ctx centerPoint.x centerPoint.y.. CGPoint centerPoint CGPointMake CGRectGetWidth self.bounds 2 CGRectGetHeight self.bounds 2 CGContextMoveToPoint ctx centerPoint.x centerPoint.y CGContextAddArc ctx centerPoint.x centerPoint.y self.radius doubleValue radians 0 radians 360 0 CGContextClosePath.. CGPointMake CGRectGetWidth self.bounds 2 CGRectGetHeight self.bounds 2 CGContextMoveToPoint ctx centerPoint.x centerPoint.y CGContextAddArc ctx centerPoint.x centerPoint.y self.radius doubleValue radians 0 radians 360 0 CGContextClosePath ctx..

Animate a custom property using CoreAnimation in Monotouch?


override void DrawInContext CGContext context base.DrawInContext context Console.WriteLine drawing........... PointF centerPoint new PointF 125 125 this.Frame.Width 2 this.Frame.Height 2 Outer circle context.AddEllipseInRect new RectangleF centerPoint.X.. new PointF 125 125 this.Frame.Width 2 this.Frame.Height 2 Outer circle context.AddEllipseInRect new RectangleF centerPoint.X Radius centerPoint.Y Radius Radius 2 Radius 2 Inner circle context.AddEllipseInRect new RectangleF centerPoint.X.. this.Frame.Width 2 this.Frame.Height 2 Outer circle context.AddEllipseInRect new RectangleF centerPoint.X Radius centerPoint.Y Radius Radius 2 Radius 2 Inner circle context.AddEllipseInRect new RectangleF centerPoint.X InnerRadius centerPoint.Y..

UIPinchGestureRecognizer for zooming and panning an image in xcode


CGSizeApplyAffineTransform imgScrollView.frame.size UIPinchGestureRecognizer sender view .transform CGPoint centerPoint CGPointApplyAffineTransform imgScrollView.frame.origin UIPinchGestureRecognizer sender view .transform CGRect r imgScrollView.bounds.. CGSize scrollViewSize imgScrollView.frame.size imgScrollView.contentSize zoomViewSize imgScrollView.contentOffset centerPoint CGFloat currentScale UIPinchGestureRecognizer sender view .layer valueForKeyPath @ transform.scale floatValue CGFloat scale..