

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:05

iphone Programming Glossary: ch1

A complete solution to LOCALLY validate an in-app receipts and bundle receipts on iOS 7


library ios releasenotes General ValidateAppStoreReceipt Chapters ValidateLocally.html# apple_ref doc uid TP40010573 CH1 SW17 static int verified 1 int result 0 OpenSSL_add_all_digests Required for PKCS7_verify to work X509_STORE store X509_STORE_new.. library ios releasenotes General ValidateAppStoreReceipt Chapters ValidateLocally.html# apple_ref doc uid TP40010573 CH1 SW5 NSUUID uuid UIDevice currentDevice identifierForVendor unsigned char uuidBytes 16 uuid getUUIDBytes uuidBytes Order.. library ios releasenotes General ValidateAppStoreReceipt Chapters ValidateLocally.html# apple_ref doc uid TP40010573 CH1 SW5 NSMutableData data NSMutableData data data appendBytes uuidBytes length sizeof uuidBytes data appendData self.opaqueValue..

MIDI player/synthesizer library for the iPhone


AudioToolbox Reference MusicPlayerServices_Reference Reference reference.html# apple_ref doc uid TP40009301 CH1 SW1 By setting up an appropriate Audio Unit Processing Graph you can output the sound you like. share improve this answer..

MPMoviePlayerController switching movies causes white flash


ios #documentation AudioVideo Conceptual AVFoundationPG Articles 00_Introduction.html# apple_ref doc uid TP40010188 CH1 SW3 The first thing I did was to add the following class called PlayerView can't remember where I got it sorry to my project...

Lock-down iPhone/iPod/iPad so it can only run one app


ios featuredarticles iPhoneConfigurationProfileRef Introduction Introduction.html# apple_ref doc uid TP40010206 CH1 SW4 iphone security ipad ipod jailbreak share improve this question It is possible to put an iPad or iPhone into 'Store..

Caching with AVPlayer and AVAssetExportSession


developer.apple.com library ios #releasenotes AudioVideo RN AVFoundation _index.html# apple_ref doc uid TP40010717 CH1 SW4 I've tried a number of modifications to your code such as getting the preset name and file type from the list of those..

Stop reloading of web app launched from iPhone Home Screen
