

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:56

iphone Programming Glossary: darkgraycolor

iOS Paper fold (origami / accordion) effect animation, with manual control


shadowLayer CAGradientLayer layer shadowLayer.frame imageLayer.bounds shadowLayer.backgroundColor UIColor darkGrayColor .CGColor shadowLayer.opacity 0.0 shadowLayer.colors NSArray arrayWithObjects id UIColor blackColor .CGColor id UIColor clearColor..

Rounded UIView using CALayers - only some corners - How?


CALayer l imgVUserImg layer l setMasksToBounds YES l setCornerRadius 5.0 l setBorderWidth 2.0 l setBorderColor UIColor darkGrayColor CGColor Above code is applying the roundness to each of corners of supplied View. Instead I just wanted to apply roundness..

iPhone Title and Subtitle in Navigation Bar


20 titleView.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter titleView.textColor UIColor whiteColor titleView.shadowColor UIColor darkGrayColor titleView.shadowOffset CGSizeMake 0 1 titleView.text @ titleView.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth YES _headerTitleSubtitleView.. UITextAlignmentCenter subtitleView.textColor UIColor whiteColor subtitleView.shadowColor UIColor darkGrayColor subtitleView.shadowOffset CGSizeMake 0 1 subtitleView.text @ subtitleView.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth YES _headerTitleSubtitleView..

how to change the font size of UISegmentedControl text?


UISegmentedControlStyleBezeled toolbtn.segmentedControlStyle UISegmentedControlStyleBar toolbtn.tintColor UIColor darkGrayColor toolbtn.backgroundColor UIColor blackColor toolbtn setFrame CGRectMake 0 0 320 30 self.view addSubview toolbtn Kindly help..

UISegmentedControl text with multiple lines?


UITextAlignmentCenter self theLabel.lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap self theLabel.shadowColor UIColor darkGrayColor self theLabel.numberOfLines 0 return self theLabel void setMultilineTitle NSString title forSegmentAtIndex NSUInteger segment..

NSURLConnection download large file (>40MB)


void viewDidLoad UIView mainView UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 400 400 mainView setBackgroundColor UIColor darkGrayColor UIButton downloadButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeRoundedRect downloadButton setFrame CGRectMake 50 50 150 50..

slow scrolling of UITableView [duplicate]


the cell. NSUInteger row indexPath row cell.textLabel.text titles objectAtIndex row cell.textLabel.textColor UIColor darkGrayColor cell.textLabel.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor cell.detailTextLabel.text subtitle objectAtIndex row cell.detailTextLabel.numberOfLines.. autorelease Do all your desgin settings here not if the cell gets dequeued. cell.textLabel.textColor UIColor darkGrayColor cell.textLabel.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor gradiant BG for cells UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ bg2.gif UIImageView..

CALayer: add a border only at one side


solved in this way leftScrollView.clipsToBounds YES CALayer rightBorder CALayer layer rightBorder.borderColor UIColor darkGrayColor .CGColor rightBorder.borderWidth 1 rightBorder.frame CGRectMake 1 1 CGRectGetWidth leftScrollView.frame CGRectGetHeight..

received memory warning. level 1


button.frame.size.height 700 ans2.frame.size.height 20 button2.layer.borderWidth 3 button2.layer.borderColor UIColor darkGrayColor CGColor button2.layer.cornerRadius 10.0 self.view addSubview button2 button2 setBackgroundImage UIImage imageNamed @ buttun2.png.. button3.frame.size.height 700 ans4.frame.size.height 20 button4.layer.borderWidth 3 button4.layer.borderColor UIColor darkGrayColor CGColor button4.layer.cornerRadius 10.0 self.view addSubview button4 button4 setBackgroundImage UIImage imageNamed @ buttun2.png..

IOS, How to add a custom SelectionIndicator to a UIPickerView?


lightGrayColor customSelectionIndicator layer setBorderWidth 1.0 customSelectionIndicator layer setBorderColor UIColor darkGrayColor CGColor Add the indicator on top of the picker pickerView addSubview customSelectionIndicator set the flag remember to..

cellForRowAtIndexPath memory management


60 30 244 11 label UILabel alloc initWithFrame frame label.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 11 label.textColor UIColor darkGrayColor label.text musicList.list objectAtIndex indexPath.row objectAtIndex albumIndex cell addSubview label DATE frame CGRectMake.. label UILabel alloc initWithFrame frame label.font UIFont fontWithName @ Helvetica size 10.0 label.textColor UIColor darkGrayColor label.textAlignment UITextAlignmentRight label.text musicList.list objectAtIndex indexPath.row objectAtIndex dateIndex cell.. 60 30 244 11 label UILabel alloc initWithFrame frame label.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 11 label.textColor UIColor darkGrayColor label.tag albumTag cell addSubview label label release DATE frame CGRectMake 59 49 244 10 label UILabel alloc initWithFrame..

Record the drawing as a m4v video file - OpenGL


Make sure the color of the color complements the black background segmentedControl.tintColor UIColor darkGrayColor Set the third color index values start at 0 segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex 2 Add the control to the window window..