

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:08:04

iphone Programming Glossary: elsewhere

What does the Tiler Utilization statistic mean in the iPhone OpenGL ES instrument?


vertex throughput will outweigh the extra per draw call CPU overhead. Note that it ™s generally beneficial on MBX and elsewhere to ensure that each vertex attribute begins on a 32 bit boundary which implies that you should pad your positions and normals..

How to add a UIImage in MailComposer Sheet of MFMailComposeViewController


body text can go here p Pick an image to insert This example would come from the main bundle but your source can be elsewhere UIImage emailImage UIImage imageNamed @ myImageName.png Convert the image into data NSData imageData NSData dataWithData..

Programmatically align a toolbar on top of the iPhone keyboard


Cropping a UIImage


touch image manipulation share improve this question I'm going to copy paste my response to the same question elsewhere There isn't a simple class method to do this but there is a function that you can use to get the desired results CGImageCreateWithImageInRect..

Core-Data iPhone: could not locate an NSManagedObjectModel


Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1


improve this question I had the exact same error and tried everything under the sun including what was suggested elsewhere on this page. What the problem was for me was that in Keychain Access the actual Apple WWDR certificate was marked as Always..

Remove all subviews?


of these two methods will remove every view that your main view contains and release them if they are not retained elsewhere. From Apple's documentation on removeFromSuperview If the receiver ™s superview is not nil this method releases the receiver...

Detect if certain UIView was touched amongst other UIViews


if certain UIView was touched amongst other UIViews HI Guys Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but I can't seem to get it to work. I have 3 UIViews layered on top of one large uiview. I want to know if the user touches..

Does UIGestureRecognizer work on a UIWebView?


new Date .getTime This is only the second project I have used javascript with. You can find better examples elsewhere. As you can see this is no quick answer to your problem. I am pretty happy with the results I got. The html I was working..

CGContextDrawPDFPage taking up large amounts of memory


page. Here's the code for drawing Note This is always called in a background thread but the autorelease pool is setup elsewhere void drawPage CGPDFPageRef m_page inRect CGRect rect inContext CGContextRef g CGPDFBox box kCGPDFMediaBox CGAffineTransform..

Singleton shared data source in Objective-C


self alloc init return sharedSingleton @end So whenever I try to access the searchDict or searchArray properties elsewhere in my application like a TableView delegate like so SearchData sharedSearchData searchArray objectAtIndex indexPath.row..

send RSA public key to iphone and use it to encrypt


impossible to decrypt . I cobbled this together from Apple's docs this site the Apple developer forums and probably elsewhere. So thanks to everyone I cribbed code from This code assumes several things You've already generated your RSA key pairs..

Can use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput at the same time?


... assetWriter startWriting assetWriter startSessionAtSourceTime kCMTimeZero captureSession startRunning ... elsewhere ... void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection..

NSTimer on background IS working


iOS 4.2.1. I have declared location background support in Info.plist. I read the docs and many discussions here and elsewhere and it shouldn't be possible. Is it an iOS bug Or undocumented feature I don't want to use it and find out in near future..

What are the key concepts for an iPhone Developer to learn? [closed]


objects are guaranteed to be around until the end of method call. No more no less. Of course if you retain the object elsewhere it will still have a reference from that point. ARC With the iOS 5 SDK Apple introduced Automatic Reference Counting. It's..

Detecting iPhone/iPod Touch Accessories


iPhone iPod Touch Accessories I've been searching and can't seem to find the answer elsewhere is it possible to detect if the iPod Touch iPhone has any headphones or other accessories connected to it I'm building an..

AVAudioRecorder throws erros


framework you should ignore it it doesn't affect you. If your app is crashing or failing to record the real reason is elsewhere. AVAudioRecorder works just fine on iOS 5 even if it does throw and catch Exceptions during normal operations which make..

Learning OpenGLES 2.0 on iOS


Pro 2 also have sections devoted to OpenGL ES 2.0 which provide some rendering and tuning hints that you won't find elsewhere. Those are more advanced and expensive books though. If you're just getting started with OpenGL ES 2.0 it might not be a..

Objective-C NSMutableArray mutated while being enumerated?


into the error where you try to remove objects from an NSMutableArray while other objects is being added to it elsewhere. To keep it simple i have no clue on how to fix it. Here is what i'm doing I have 4 timers calling 4 different methods that..

Storyboard static cells: dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier returns nil


and I use the same identifier in code. I verified this many times. I have not instantiated the view controller elsewhere which was the problem in this stackoverflow question . My view controller is a subclass of UITableViewController of course..