

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:09:30

iphone Programming Glossary: gdata.youtube.com

How can I do a search for video on youtube in my iPhone app?


instead of Jimi Hendrix NSError err NSError alloc init autorelease NSString myRequest NSString stringWithFormat @ http gdata.youtube.com feeds api videos q @ max results 5 myQuery NSURL url NSURL URLWithString myRequest NSString myYouTubeData NSString stringWithContentsOfURL..

youtube inbox problem


using gdata api retrieve incoming messages from youtube account. My request NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ http gdata.youtube.com feeds api users my_nick inbox NSMutableURLRequest inboxRequest NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL url NSString authStr NSString.. encoding 'UTF 8' feed xmlns 'http www.w3.org 2005 Atom' xmlns openSearch 'http a9.com spec opensearchrss 1.0 ' id http gdata.youtube.com feeds api users thisistestnick inbox id updated 2011 06 16T14 45 00.475Z updated category scheme 'http schemas.google.com.. inbox id updated 2011 06 16T14 45 00.475Z updated category scheme 'http schemas.google.com g 2005#kind' term 'http gdata.youtube.com schemas 2007#videoMessage' title type 'text' Inbox of thisistestnick title logo http www.youtube.com img pic_youtubelogo_123x63.gif..