

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:09:57

iphone Programming Glossary: happened

iOS 6 apps - how to deal with iPhone 5 screen size? [duplicate]


and just doubled the pixels with the retina non retina problem won't work seamlessly between versions as it happened when we got the Retina . And will we have to design two storyboards just like for the iPad I personally don't think Apple..

Code sign error with Xcode 3.2


Ignore certain exceptions when using Xcode's All Exceptions breakpoint


on a line like managedObjectContext save error with the following backtrace but the program continues on as if nothing happened if you click Continue. How can I ignore these normal exceptions but still have the debugger stop on exceptions in my own..

run app using xcode 4.6 in ios 4.3 simulator


How to use UIProgressView while loading of a UIWebView?


while loading of a UIWebView i am developing an application where i am loading a urlrequest in the UIWebView and it happened successfully. But now i am trying to display a UIProgressView when the loading is in progress starting from 0.0 to 1.0 which..

Instruments ObjectAlloc: Explanation of Live Bytes & Overall Bytes


leaked memory since leaked memory is never deallocated. #Living is how many allocations of a certain size object type happened and are still allocated . This is very useful when looking for leaks. For example if you repetitively perform an action..

iphone - How do I add videos to iPad simulator?


path self @selector video didFinishSavingWithError contextInfo nil And add this function so you can see if an error happened and why void video NSString videoPath didFinishSavingWithError NSError error contextInfo void contextInfo if error nil NSLog..

EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal received


one at a time. As soon as I let it run again I will hit the EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal. In this particular case it happened to be an error in the accelerometer code. It would not execute within the simulator which is why it did not throw any errors...

Determine device (iPhone, iPod Touch) with iPhone SDK


Cannot view Quicktime movies over HTTPS in Safari or UIWebView


I get This movie could not be played . I tried in Safari to eliminate my app as being the problem and the same thing happened. If I use HTTP it works fine. This thread has a similar discussion but no resolution http discussions.apple.com thread.jspa..

How do I detect a touch on a UIBezierPath and move a ball along that?


How can I animate the movement of a view or image along a curved path Thirdly Regarding finding out where touches happened if that's what you're asking as Cory said this is a hard problem But you can use CGContextPathContainsPoint to find out..

Building with LLVM and any optimization causes app to crash on startup


0 Crashed 0 0x00b53400 0 11875328 It won't symbolicate correctly since it doesn't know which library the crash happened in. The device console shows some NSLog statements that our app makes at startup then the first screen's UI is loaded and..

How to distribute ios application wirelessly without managing UDIDs and recompilation


demo application from a simple HTML over the air and a provisioning profile magically appears in my iPad. All this happened without me telling them the UDID of my iPad and therefore definitely without them to recompile the project. How did they..

How to read objective-c stack traces


an optimizing compiler against a big pile o' C can end up collapsing frames to the point that the crash could have happened in a function well below this one. 5 MyApp 0x0007faeb MessagePackParser parseData 74 MessagePackParser was parsing when..

How to lose margin/padding in UITextView?


end I had to wind up using nameField.contentInset UIEdgeInsetsMake 4 8 0 0 where nameField is a UITextView. The font I happened to be using was Helvetica 16 point. Its only a custom solution for the particular field size I was drawing. This makes the..

SFHFKeychainUtils. iOS keychain. ARC compatible


simply return nil for the password if error nil status errSecItemNotFound Only return an error if a real exception happened not simply for not found. error NSError errorWithDomain SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code status userInfo nil return..

Why is object not dealloc'ed when using ARC + NSZombieEnabled


Apparently setting NSZombieEnabled to YES causes .cxx_destruct to not be called at all at least that's what happened when I've edited your sample project zombies off leads to backtrace and both deallocs while zombies on yields no backtrace..

Why does UINavigationBar steal touch events?


BackButton get touch event and when touch Piano in top then rightBarButton if exists get touch.If not exists nothing happened. I didn't find this documented feature in App docs. Also I found this topic related to my problem but there is no answer..

Calling a method from another class in Objective C


Is it possible to do this using protocols. iphone objective c ios delegates share improve this question I just happened to see this post while researching. Here is a sample code ClassA.h file #import Foundation Foundation.h #import ClassB.h..

AVAudioPlayer throws breakpoint in debug mode


It only happens when I run the app in debug mode and nothing crashes after the breakpoint. The app works as nothing happened when I click Continue program execution . This is the loadData method which is called with initWithData NSData loadData..