

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:05

iphone Programming Glossary: hig

UITabBarController UINavigationController Design Advice


stack in a tabular fashion. Is this unreasonable I accept what Apple dictates in these areas as gospel as the HIG does provide best practices that seem to reveal the path of least resistance I'm sure there are exceptions to that . In..

How to handle different orientations in iOS 6


rejected. See this question . What you ask is not possible using public API and is also not recommended from HIG standpoint. What is supported and you should implement is modal presentation of the different view controllers with different..

Dynamic (Default.png) splashscreen in 3.0 [iPhone SDK]


in 3.0 which is why it's not possible. Apple don't intend the Default.png to be a splash screen . If you read the HIG you'll see that the Default.png is suppose to represent your user interface as it would be empty without any content. It..

Iphone SDK dismissing Modal ViewControllers on ipad by clicking outside of it


UISplitViewController and complex view hierarchy


to do so. I am actually surprised that GILT Groupe 's app did not get rejected. Apple has a tendency to enforce these HIG guidelines rather strictly lately. They as you found out already cause a rather nasty runtime error when you attempt to..

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions


string Apple recommends starting landscape only applications in Landscape Right mode see the HIG under User Experience Guidelines Start Instantly . What's not in the documentation A little background Everytime you try..

Using a UISegmentedControl in the footer of UIPopoverController


I'm trying to recreate the look of a UISegmentedControl as seen in the footer of Keynote's Build In popover The iPad HIG suggests using a bottom aligned UIToolbar but the appearance is incorrect. This screenshot shows Black Opaque but none of..

How to make a UIBarButtonItem look like a UINavigationBarItem


Custom UITableViewCell and animation on setSelected:animated:


I call table deselectRowAtIndexPath path animated YES whenever the view appears in order to comply with Apple's HIG. However no animation occurs. It worked when I had a custom view created with subviews that was transparent so Apple's background..

Mobile developer interview questions, that a non-mobile developer can ask [closed]


Is it a good idea to use an video as splash screen in my iphone app?


look dramatically different to my animations in openGL Thanks iphone opengl es share improve this question The HIG guidelines are intended as far as I can tell for Apps on the iPhone. This is different from Games on the iPhone. If your.. on the iPhone. If your app provides some utility to the user I agree completely with @Costique @fabian789 and the HIG. The app should start instantly with minimal loading and other distracting crap. For a game however intros and the like..

Can the exposure time be manually adjusted for an iOS cameras?


the shutter speed of the camera this unfortunately does not appear to be possible and more importantly against the HIG Changing the behavior of iPhone external hardware is a violation of the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement. Applications..

UIToolbar height on device rotation


does not mention this automatic change of height so am I supposed to change it programmatically even though the HIG says Don ™t specify the height of a toolbar programmatically iphone ios uitoolbar share improve this question Did u..

Can I have more than 1 UITabBarController?


that when you tap a cell it pushes a view controller containing a UITabBarController technically this might go against HIG too since a tab bar should be the same throughout an entire app but I've had plenty of apps adopt this and it seems elegant..

iPhone UITableView cells stay selected


I can't tell you why you're seeing the issue but here are some suggestions for fixing it According to the Apple HIG the selection should not disappear until returning from the view controller just pushed onto the stack. If your controller..

UILabel inside a UIToolbar using IB is invisible on run, how fix?


This is how Apple expects to add views to a toolbar navbar as apposed to float things on top of it . It violates no HIG guidelines much the opposite it is a reccomended design technique. To stop the glow Create the button programmatically make..