

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: increments

Executing a PHP script using objective-c


a PHP script using objective c I'm trying to execute a PHP script which increments a field in a database. I have the script working and I am currently modifying the database perfectly using ASIHTTPRequest..

(viewConroller.view removeFromSuperview) Thread:1 EXC_BAD_ACCESS (Code=1, address = 0x6000000008)


releases. Also in your create method you should remove that extra retain in vc 's allocation line. alloc automatically increments the retain count to 1 and that extra retain is bringing it up to 2. With the way it is when the kill button is pressed the..

Cross compiling FreeTDS to iPhone


running code on device is to make uninstall. Also when running on the device you will also get lots of warnings in increments of 36 about CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL being deprecated that is normal but annoying. sudo make uninstall I hope this helps. share..

iPhone iOS how to add a running countup display timer to an app, like clock stopwatch app?


clock stopwatch app I'm working with an app that processes device motion events and updates interface in 5 second increments. I would like to add an indicator to the app that would display the total time the app has been running. It seems that stopwatch..

Increment UISlider by 1 in range 1 to 100


UISlider by 1 in range 1 to 100 I am new to iPhone How do I have my UISlider go from 1 to 100 in increments of 1 slider UISlider alloc init slider addTarget self action @selector sliderChange forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged..

Increment UISlider by 0.2 in range 0 to 2.0 [duplicate]


Duplicate Increment UISlider by 1 in range 1 to 100 I am new to iPhone How do I have my UISlider go from 0 to 2 in increments of 0.2 slider UISlider alloc init slider addTarget self action @selector sliderChange forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged..

iphone: Calculating battery life


API allows you to register to receive notifications for changes to the battery level. It only reports a change at 5 increments up or down but you can use a timer and measure the time between two changes or initial battery level and first change ...

Paging UIScrollView in increments smaller than frame size


UIScrollView in increments smaller than frame size I have a scroll view that is the width of the screen but only about 70 pixels high. It contains..

UISlider with increments of 5


with increments of 5 How do I have my UISlider go from 1 100 in increments of 5 iphone ios uislider share improve this question Add.. with increments of 5 How do I have my UISlider go from 1 100 in increments of 5 iphone ios uislider share improve this question Add a delegate like this slider.continuous YES slider addTarget..

iPhone Dev: Animating PNG Sequences


I've learned Do it Manually Using MutableArrays containing Strings you can animate a UIImageView with a timer which increments an index number UIImage animation methods This works the only problem is to find if an image has completed its animation..

How to properly release an AVCaptureSession


I now have to explicitly stop capturing. Otherwise releasing my instance won't free it because the second thread now increments and decrements the counter as well. A further problem is that my class is now released from two different threads. Is this..

Understanding when to call retain on an object?


when to call retain on an object When should retain be used I understand that it increments the object references count so basicly the next release on that object will not call dealloc on it. Ok great so what I read..

Version vs build in XCode 4


Run Script phase you can use the following script DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR agvtool next version all The next version argument increments the build number bump is also an alias for the same thing and all updates Info.plist with the new build number. And if you..

Core Data Primary Key


object in your awakeFromInsert method Create your own primary key like system that stores an integer in your model and increments it with the creation of each object There is no good way to validate that a property is unique. The closest you'll get is..

Detect iPhone screen orientation


iPhone screen orientation I'm wanting to detect the orientation of the iPhone at 45 degree increments. Ideally I'd like to be able to get the angle of orientation along any axis. The detection I need to do is similar to how..