

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:48

iphone Programming Glossary: ksystemsoundid_vibrate

Vibrate command only works when Settings > Sounds > Vibrate switch is on


command only works when Settings Sounds Vibrate switch is on I'm using the AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate to vibrate the phone but it only works when Settings Sounds Vibrate switch is on. How can I vibrate my phone when Settings.. vibrate sbDict writeToFile sbPath atomically YES Check to make sure the settings took AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate You can also send a notification to update the preferences. I'm not sure if this still works though. notify_post com.apple.SpringBoard..

Play Alert Sound (Vibrate) While AudioQueue is Recording


While AudioQueue is Recording It seems that it's not possible to play an alert sound AudioServicesPlayAlertSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate while the AudioQueue is being used to record audio. Is that correct Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Is there a way to do..

Using vibrate and AVCaptureSession at the same time


the same time I'm trying to vibrate the phone while recording video but I'm finding that AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate doesn't play nicely with AVCaptureSession . Is there any other way to vibrate the phone or am I stuck with losing the vibrate..

Programmatically make the iPhone vibrate [duplicate]


links appreciated. iphone iphone vibrate share improve this question You can use AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate Note that you need to add the AudioToolbox framework and import the following header file #import AudioToolbox AudioServices.h..

How do you make the iPhone vibrate for arbitrary durations?


2.x firmware can you make the iPhone vibrate for durations other than the system defined AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate In jailbroken phones you used to be able to use the MeCCA.framework to do this http pastie.org 94481 MeCCA_Vibrator v new..

how to run vibrate continuously in iphone?


m using following coding pattern to vibrate my iPhone device Header File AudioServices.h AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate My problem is that when I run my application it gets vibrate but only for second but I want that it will vibrate continuously..

Play local notification default sound when displaying UIAlertView?


this in the app when displaying the UIAlertView . I can vibrate the device by calling AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate but I can't figure out how to play the local notification default sound. There's no equivalent SystemSoundID constant and..

Push notification and view button action[iphone sdk APNS]


@ alert NSString sound apsInfo objectForKey @ sound NSLog @ Received Push Sound @ sound AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate APNS HANDLE UIApplicationState state application applicationState if state UIApplicationStateActive NSLog @ It is in active..

Making the iPhone vibrate


c ios vibrate share improve this question There are two seemingly similar functions that take a parameter kSystemSoundID_Vibrate 1 AudioServicesPlayAlertSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate 2 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate Both the functions.. There are two seemingly similar functions that take a parameter kSystemSoundID_Vibrate 1 AudioServicesPlayAlertSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate 2 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate Both the functions vibrate the iPhone. But when you use the first.. a parameter kSystemSoundID_Vibrate 1 AudioServicesPlayAlertSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate 2 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound kSystemSoundID_Vibrate Both the functions vibrate the iPhone. But when you use the first function on devices that don ™t support vibration it plays..

iPhone - Code of system sounds


constant with the play sound APIs to playback the alert sound selected by the User in System Preferences. @constant kSystemSoundID_Vibrate Use this constant with the play sound APIs to vibrate the device iPhone only on a device with no vibration capability.. Use this constant with the play sound APIs to flash the screen Desktop systems only enum #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE kSystemSoundID_Vibrate 0x00000FFF #else kSystemSoundID_UserPreferredAlert 0x00001000 kSystemSoundID_FlashScreen 0x00000FFE this has been renamed..