

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:11:10

iphone Programming Glossary: logical

How to find available memory in iPhone programmatically?


number of physical CPUs now available integer_t physical_cpu_max max number of physical CPUs possible integer_t logical_cpu number of logical cpu now available integer_t logical_cpu_max max number of physical CPUs possible uint64_t max_mem.. CPUs now available integer_t physical_cpu_max max number of physical CPUs possible integer_t logical_cpu number of logical cpu now available integer_t logical_cpu_max max number of physical CPUs possible uint64_t max_mem actual size of physical.. max number of physical CPUs possible integer_t logical_cpu number of logical cpu now available integer_t logical_cpu_max max number of physical CPUs possible uint64_t max_mem actual size of physical memory From this structure you can..

How to tell the host from the client in iPhone bluetooth with GameKit


to each other via bluetooth and play. I am thinking of a way to choose which device will be able to play first. So the logical solution is to pick the host of the connection. Is there even a server and a client in the GKSession Are they all peers..

How to properly design multi-orientation iPad application


app in the future. It may not just be programmers Preferred Option It should be strongly preferred to implement one logical view with one .xib file and one UIViewController subclass. Try really hard to do that. Setting autoresizesSubviews YES on..

I am getting Expected identifier in Xcode


Core Data causing app to crash while migrating


doing one large save when the application shuts down. Ideally your application should save to disk whenever there is a logical break in the workflow. If you add saves into the application that will help or solve your shutdown termination issue. share..

Core Data data model: attribute type for UIColor


but Core Data will automatically use the NSValueTransformer of your specification to serialize and unserialize the logical attribute value for you. For values that are NSCoding compliant the NSKeyedUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName which is the..

Several UIAlertViews for a delegate


I've got a class popping up UIAlertView s here and there. Currently the same class is the delegate for these it's very logical that it would be . Unfortunately these UIAlertView s will call the same delegate methods of the class. Now the question..

iPhone: How to Pass Data Between Several Viewcontrollers in a Tabbar App


the application. The data model object knows nothing about any views or view controllers. It just stores data and the logical relationships between that data. When different parts of the app need to write or read data they right and read to the data..

Are either the IPad or IPhone capable of OpenCL?


either the IPad or IPhone capable of OpenCL With the push towards multimedia enabled mobile devices this seems like a logical way to boost performance on these platforms while keeping general purpose software power efficient. I've been interested..

iOS 4 Alarm Clock App with Multitasking Support


Moreover alarm sound must be played in background in a loop until the user cancels or wakes the app. First logical thing that came to my mind was to use local notifications but with local notifications you can play sound files that are..

UISegmentedControl setSelectedSegmentIndex: without valueChanged Action


of an UISegmentedControl via code. Whenever I do this the valueChanged action gets called. This sounds logical for me but is there a way to set the selected segment without invoking the action It should just update the display. I've..

How to target iPhone 3GS AND iPhone 4 in one media query?


safari media queries share improve this question Because the iPhone and iPod touch measure max device width in logical pixels rather than physical pixels even with the Retina display as they should the original media query used for the iPhone..

iPhone Paypal in UIWebView Appstore approval process


content usable by your application. Apple Therefore if you are selling additional content using PayPal it would be logical that Apple might have issue with this and reject your app. If you are selling a physical item or something that isn't additional..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


UIViewControllers pushed onto the UINavigationController stack. That's how the UINavigationController works. That's logical. However there are some stern warnings in the slide about communicating between your UIViewControllers. I'm going to quote..

CocoaAsyncSocket and reading data from a socket


That works fine and the following delegate method callback is invoked onSocket didReadData withTag I figure the next logical step is to figure out the size of the stream and I do that with UInt32 readLength data getBytes readLength length 4 readLength..

Documented process for using facebook connect for the iPhone to upload photos


I did come accross this post on the facebook forums link They are feeding the facebook object a UIImage. That seems logical but where is this documented The API documentation is generalized to all platforms. Where are the iPhone specific requirements..

dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: (and dismissViewControllerAnimated) crashing in iOS 5


and dismissViewControllerAnimated crashing in iOS 5 I can't find any logical explanation but the fact remains that in iOS 5 xCode 4.2 if I presentModalView animated YES I can call dismissModalViewAnimated..

How can I link to my app in the App Store (iTunes)?


than the long and confusing urls that you usually see you can create App Store links that are much simpler and more logical. The iTunes Store has a hidden URL format that ™s much more logical. Depending on what you ™re linking to you just need to.. App Store links that are much simpler and more logical. The iTunes Store has a hidden URL format that ™s much more logical. Depending on what you ™re linking to you just need to build a URL in one of these formats Artist ™s name or App Store developer..