

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:11:34

iphone Programming Glossary: mpmovierepeatmodeone

MPMoviePlayerController repeat mode not working in viewDidLoad


playerController.moviePlayer.scalingMode MPMovieScalingModeAspectFill playerController.moviePlayer.repeatMode MPMovieRepeatModeOne MyView1 addSubview playerController.view playerController.moviePlayer play playerController release playerController nil.. fileUrl moviePlayerController.moviePlayer prepareToPlay moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setRepeatMode MPMovieRepeatModeOne moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setControlStyle MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded self.view addSubview moviePlayerController.view..

Audio file not working on device but it is working on simulator


NO mp moviePlayer setShouldAutoplay YES mp moviePlayer setControlStyle 2 mp moviePlayer setRepeatMode MPMovieRepeatModeOne self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated mp Here is the video code this also works on simulator but not on iphone NSString.. NO mp moviePlayer setShouldAutoplay YES mp moviePlayer setControlStyle 2 mp moviePlayer setRepeatMode MPMovieRepeatModeOne self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated mp iphone ipad audio video ios simulator share improve this question ..

cocos2d: playing a video in the background of a menu


3.2 style API moviePlayer.controlStyle MPMovieControlStyleNone moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay YES moviePlayer.repeatMode MPMovieRepeatModeOne CGRect win UIScreen mainScreen bounds moviePlayer.view.frame CGRectMake 0 0 win.size.height win.size.width viewController.view.. like is listed in the linked example nor the function to repeat the movie this is done automatically with the 'MPMovieRepeatModeOne' option. If you don't want the movie to repeat you can choose the 'MPMovieRepeatModeNone' option here as well. I should..

MPMoviePlayerController switching movies causes white flash


self.movieView.bounds self.movieView addSubview player.view if title isEqualToString @ Bo_idle_02 player setRepeatMode MPMovieRepeatModeOne else player setRepeatMode MPMovieRepeatModeNone player setControlStyle MPMovieControlStyleNone player play void startDanceAnimation..