

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:28

iphone Programming Glossary: parent's

UIScrollView horizontal paging like Mobile Safari tabs


event return scrollView return nil This basically expands the touch area of the UIScrollView to the frame of its parent's view exactly what you need. Another option would be to subclass UIScrollView and override its BOOL pointInside CGPoint point..

Dynamically setting layout on UICollectionView causes inexplicable contentOffset change


between the collection layouts. So I set a property on my layouts called minHeight and set it to the collection views parent's height. Then I check the height before I return in CGSize collectionViewContentSize I ensure the height is the minimum height...

What's the proper way to add a view controller to the view heirarchy?


when you add the child view controller's view you should send the viewWillAppear viewDidAppear messages if the parent's view.window is non nil. When you remove the view you should send the viewWillDisappear viewDidDisappear messages if the..

ToolBar between UINavigationBar and UITableView?


option. Give the embed segue an identifier in the attributes inspector. Configure the table view controller in the parent's prepareForSegue method checking for your segue's identifier. There is an example of this in my VCollectionViewGridLayout..

Laying out & sizing of subviews in a UIViewController


stack. Is the only way to do this properly to layout in viewWillAppear I have tried using the autoresizing properties parent's autoresizesSubviews autoresizingMask but they don't seem to work at all Do these only take effect once the view is all setup..

Rotate UIViewController to counteract changes in UIInterfaceOrientation


the child didn't rotate. That is to say. I want the child to have the same orientation to the sky regardless of the parent's orientation. If it has a UIButton that's upright in Portrait I want the right side of the button to be up in UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft...

SEL performSelector and arguments


. Since NSObject performSelector withObject requires an object argument you will have to write a wrapper in parent's class like void myMethodForNumber NSNumber number self myMethod number intValue to unbox the NSNumber . If you really want..

iPhone - UIImagePickerControllerDelegate inheritance


is a subclass of UINavigationController as stated on the docs shouldn't this be automatic Why do I have to add its parent's delegate protocol and not just the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate protocol Is this a bug or am I missing something thanks...

Weird crash in ABPeoplePicker


back last one added self.delegate runnerAddViewController self didAddRunners NSArray arrayWithObject runner And the parent's delegate code is void runnerAddViewController RunnerAddNewViewController runnerAddViewController didAddRunners NSArray..

How to disable touch input to all views except the top-most view?


So the code above I mean the one with makeObjectsPerformSelector will only work to disable userInteraction of a parent's immediate subviews.. See user madewulf's answer which recursively get all subviews and disable user interaction of all of..

interaction beyond bounds of uiview


a UIButton or any other control for that matter to receive touch events when the UIButton's frame lies outside of it's parent's frame Cause when I try this my UIButton doesn't seem to be able to receive any events. How do I work around this iphone.. return self return nil Edit 2 After clarification In order to ensure that the button is treated as being within the parent's bounds you need to override pointInside withEvent in the parent to include the button's frame. BOOL pointInside CGPoint..

How to play a video file from the URL of type .3gp


release self.mpMoviePlayer prepareToPlay self.mpMoviePlayer.view setFrame self.view.bounds player's frame must match parent's self.view addSubview self.mpMoviePlayer.view self.mpMoviePlayer play NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self..