

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:36

iphone Programming Glossary: pinview.animatesdrop

Pass data to detailView when annotation tapped on mapview


pinView MKPinAnnotationView alloc initWithAnnotation annotation reuseIdentifier AnnotationIdentifier pinView.animatesDrop YES pinView.canShowCallout YES pinView.pinColor MKPinAnnotationColorPurple UIButton rightButton UIButton buttonWithType..

custom MKAnnotation class for changing leftCalloutAnnotationView


alloc initWithAnnotation annotation reuseIdentifier AnnotationIdentifier autorelease pinView.canShowCallout YES pinView.animatesDrop YES else pinView.annotation annotation UIImageView leftCalloutView UIImageView alloc initWithImage NeighborMapAnnotation..

Create overlay from user interaction on MKMapView?


Displaying Pin with Title (annotation) once map loads


reuseIdentifier defaultPinID autorelease pinView.pinColor MKPinAnnotationColorPurple pinView.canShowCallout YES pinView.animatesDrop YES else mapView.userLocation setTitle @ I am here return pinView Follow this tutorial code with explanation is given ..

MKPinannotation detail disclosure button - present new view


@ pinView autorelease pinView.image UIImage imageNamed @ SPOON4.png pinView.frame CGRectMake 30 0 37.5 67.5 pinView.animatesDrop YES pinView.canShowCallout YES UIButton rightButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure pinView.rightCalloutAccessoryView.. alloc initWithAnnotation annotation reuseIdentifier @ pinView autorelease pinView.pinColor MKPinAnnotationColorRed pinView.animatesDrop YES pinView.canShowCallout YES UIButton rightButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure pinView.rightCalloutAccessoryView..

MKMapView: Instead of Annotation Pin, a custom view


annotation reuseIdentifier defaultPinID pinView.pinColor MKPinAnnotationColorGreen pinView.canShowCallout YES pinView.animatesDrop YES pinView.image UIImage imageNamed @ pinks.jpg as suggested by Squatch else mapView.userLocation setTitle @ I am here.. annotation reuseIdentifier defaultPinID pinView.pinColor MKPinAnnotationColorGreen pinView.canShowCallout YES pinView.animatesDrop YES pinView.image UIImage imageNamed @ pinks.jpg as suggested by Squatch else mapView.userLocation setTitle @ I am here..