

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:53

iphone Programming Glossary: prevpoint

Adjusting the line to fit our head in imageview


method void resizeTranslate UIPanGestureRecognizer recognizer if recognizer state UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan prevPoint recognizer locationInView testVw.superview testVw setNeedsDisplay else if recognizer state UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged.. 0 0 25 25 CGPoint point recognizer locationInView testVw.superview float wChange 0.0 hChange 0.0 wChange point.x prevPoint.x Slow down increment hChange point.y prevPoint.y Slow down increment testVw.bounds CGRectMake testVw.bounds.origin.x testVw.bounds.origin.y.. testVw.superview float wChange 0.0 hChange 0.0 wChange point.x prevPoint.x Slow down increment hChange point.y prevPoint.y Slow down increment testVw.bounds CGRectMake testVw.bounds.origin.x testVw.bounds.origin.y testVw.bounds.size.width wChange..