

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:34

iphone Programming Glossary: runtime.h

Objective-C Category and new iVar


SoundChainHelper @property nonatomic retain NSMutableArray soundsInChain @end In your .m #import objc runtime.h static char soundsInChainKey @implementation SimpleAudioEngine SoundChainHelper NSMutableArray soundsInChain return objc_getAssociatedObject..

Method Swizzle on iPhone device


on method swizzling here . Mike Ash has a relatively simple implementation at the bottom of that page #import objc runtime.h #import objc message.h .... void Swizzle Class c SEL orig SEL new Method origMethod class_getInstanceMethod c orig Method..

objc_setAssociatedObject unavailable in iPhone simulator


this question A quick and dirty workaround largely untested may be buggy #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR #import objc runtime.h enum OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN 0 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC 1 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC 3 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN..

Dismissing UIAlertViews when entering background state


then to avoid multiple registrations to the notification center. #import UIAlertViewAutoDismiss.h #import objc runtime.h @interface UIAlertViewAutoDismiss UIAlertViewDelegate id UIAlertViewDelegate __unsafe_unretained privateDelegate @end @implementation..

how to get selected text from uitextfield in iphone?


. MyTextField.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface MyTextField UITextField @end MyTextField.m #import objc runtime.h #import MyTextField.h UIKIT_STATIC_INLINE void mySelectionDidChange id self SEL _cmd id UITextInput textInput @implementation..

Subclass UIButton to add a property


@property nonatomic retain NSObject property @end UIButton Property.m #import UIButton Property.h #import objc runtime.h @implementation UIButton Property static char UIB_PROPERTY_KEY @dynamic property void setProperty NSObject property objc_setAssociatedObject..

error: /usr/include/objc/objc-class.h: No such file or directory


iPhone - ShareKit , SHK.m giving the compiler error for FileNot Found


Objective-C 2.0: class_copyPropertyList(), how to list properties from categories


the public headers a little quicker. For reference here's my test project #import Foundation Foundation.h #import objc runtime.h @interface TestClass NSObject NSString str1 NSString str2 @property nonatomic copy NSString str1 @end @interface TestClass..

Loop through all object properties at runtime


API to loop through and print information about each property in a class #import Foundation Foundation.h #import objc runtime.h @interface TestClass NSObject @property nonatomic retain NSString firstName @property nonatomic retain NSString lastName..

iOS4 Implementation of -[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:]?


queue completionHandler for iOS 5 #if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED __IPHONE_5_0 #import objc runtime.h #import NSURLConnection iOS4.h Dynamically add NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest queue completionHandler . void sendAsynchronousRequest4.. correctly Should we copy them if handler queue addOperationWithBlock ^ handler response data nil @end #import objc runtime.h #import NSURLConnection SendAsync.h Dynamically add @property nonatomic readonly UIViewController presentingViewController...