

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:14:15

iphone Programming Glossary: skpaymenttransactionstatepurchased

Apple reject because of In app purchase not implement restore [closed]


NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased self completeTransaction transaction break case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed if transaction.error.code SKErrorPaymentCancelled..

How to download In-App hosted content?


NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue startDownloads transaction.downloads .... void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedDownloads.. addPayment payment void download StoreTransaction transaction NSAssert transaction.payment.transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased transaction.payment.transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored @ The payment transaction must be completed if transaction.payment.downloads.. NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased #ifdef DEBUG NSLog @ SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased #endif SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue startDownloads transaction.downloads..

How do I add consumable In App Purchases using NSUserDefaults and not my own server?


NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased self completeTransaction transaction break case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed self failedTransaction transaction break..

How do you add a In-app purchase to an iPhone application?


Purchasing called when the user is in the process of purchasing do not add any of your own code here. break case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased this is called when the user has successfully purchased the package Cha Ching self doRemoveAds you can add your code for.. break case SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored NSLog @ Transaction state Restored add the same code as you did from SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased here SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue finishTransaction transaction break case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed called when the..

Transaction comes back after finishTransaction: has been called on it


implementation I have for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased case SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored .... DDLog @ Transaction for @ occurred originally on @. transaction.payment.productIdentifier.. if transaction.payment.productIdentifier isEqualToString theParser.currentProductID transaction.transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased transaction.transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored DDLog @ Transaction will finish product ID @ date @ transaction.payment.productIdentifier..

Apple In app purchase StoreKit error


@ transaction.transactionState transaction.payment.productIdentifier switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased self completeTransaction transaction break case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed self failedTransaction transaction break..

In App Purchase Crashes on [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment]


NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased self completeTransaction transaction break case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed self failedTransaction transaction break..

SKPaymentQueue addTransactionObserver asking for App Store password on startup after in-app purchase


Any (early) experiences with auto-renewable subscriptions for iOS


NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased self completeTransaction transaction break case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed self failedTransaction transaction break..

Do auto-renewable subscriptions send an SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased transaction when they auto-renew?


auto renewable subscriptions send an SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased transaction when they auto renew Does the AppStore send out a transaction when it auto renews an auto renewable subscription.. to void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions with transaction.transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased If so great. If not does this mean you must examine all transactions every time an auto renewable subscription approaches.. is posted with transaction.transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored not transaction.transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased. The issue is that unfortunately this gets posted only to one device. A second device does not get the posting. Therefore..

Apple In-App Purchase


NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased self completeTransaction transaction break case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed NSLog @ failed transaction self failedTransaction..

Do auto-renewable subscriptions send an SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased/Restored transaction when they auto-renew in test mode?


auto renewable subscriptions send an SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased Restored transaction when they auto renew in test mode I was looking to this thread. It's stated that the App Store calls..